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Transfer of Israeli Tanks, Light Armor, Artillery and other Military Equipment towards the Border with Southern Lebanon
[Twitter with video]

Footage has begun to appear over the past 24 Hours showing the Transfer of Israeli Tanks, Light Armor, Artillery and other Military Equipment towards the Border with Southern Lebanon, a Majority of the Footage being Shared is Old from either Early 2024 or 2023, but this Video...

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) June 26, 2024
Posted by:3dc

#6  ^^^ This.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-27 23:28  

#5  The US (under current management) is not even an ally of the US.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-27 18:08  

#4  I thought the US was an ally of Hez/Iran?
Posted by: Glenmore   2024-06-27 17:47  

#3  Yup
Posted by: mossomo   2024-06-27 12:43  

#2   LINK to whom Hez is threatening to got to war with
Posted by: 3dc   2024-06-27 04:51  

#1  Countries that are warning their citizens against travel to Lebanon:

Germany, Netherlands, Kuwait, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden
Posted by: 3dc   2024-06-27 04:36  
