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Israel delusional to think targetting my family will change Hamas position: Haniyeh
[GEO.TV] Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Palestinian group Hamas, issued a statement on Tuesday following the recent death of his sister, saying any deal that does not guarantee a ceasefire and an end to Israel's offensive in Gaza was "not an agreement".

"If [Israel] thinks targeting my family will change our position or that of the resistance, they are delusional," the statement said.
Ismail Haniyeh 06/11/2024 Correspondence reveals: Yahya Sinwar on Gaza civilian casualties: 'Necessary sacrifices'
Ismail Haniyeh 06/07/2024 Hamas demands permanent end to Gaza war
Ismail Haniyeh 06/06/2024 Hamas chief says will deal 'seriously and positively' with any agreement that is based on total halt of war

Hamas: 2024-06-25 Good Morning
Hamas: 2024-06-25 Israeli military chief: Hamas' Rafah brigade nearly dismantled
Hamas: 2024-06-25 UN chief accuses Israel of misinformation
Posted by:Fred

#4  Ending generational war.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-27 13:58  

#3  Is culling an act of persuasion?
Posted by: mossomo   2024-06-27 12:43  

#2  They killed my sister! They killed my wife! They killed my cousin! They killed my niece!

Confirmed 1 casualty.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-27 10:55  

#1 "You have an update"
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-27 04:22  
