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Caribbean-Latin America
Ex-Honduran president sentenced to 45 years in prison for helping traffickers get tons of cocaine into US
[NYPOST] Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced Wednesday in New York for his conviction on charges that he enabled narcos to use his military and national police force to help get tons of cocaine into the United States.

Judge P. Kevin Castel sentenced Hernández to 45 years in a U.S. prison and fined him $8 million. A jury convicted him in March in Manhattan federal court after a two-week trial, which was closely followed in his home country.

"I am innocent," Hernández said at his sentencing. "I was wrongly and unjustly accused."

Castel called Hernández a "two-faced politician hungry for power" who protected a select group of traffickers.

Hernández was in a full green prison uniform as he stood in court with his lawyers. Two U.S. marshals stood behind him.
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Posted by:Fred
