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Citigroup urges staffers to 'keep cool' as pro-Hamas protesters surround NYC headquarters
[NYPOST] Citigroup urged employees to "keep their cool" as anti-Israel protesters blockaded the Wall Street giant’s New York headquarters.

Video obtained by the Post shows pro-Paleostinian protesters blocking the entrance to Citi’s offices in lower Manhattan, waving signs and chanting slogans including "From the river to the sea, Paleostine will be free" and "From the sea to the river, Paleostine will live forever."

That’s a shift versus earlier demonstrations over the past three weeks, during which climate activists dressed in orca costumes had gathered outside Citi’s offices chanting "sink their yachts," sparking scuffles in the plaza and numerous arrests.

"I know many of you have been offended by some of the language and actions, as have I, but we have to keep our cool," Ed Skyler, Citigroup’s head of enterprise services and public affairs, said in an internal memo this week that was obtained by the Post.

"We respect the right to protest, but not at the expense of our colleagues’ safety nor when others perpetuate abuse or hatred," Skyler said. "Simply put, we do not tolerate acts of intimidation and violence, and we denounce antisemitism, Islamophobia
...the irrational fear that Moslems will act the way they usually do...
, acts of hatred, discrimination and prejudice of any kind."
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Posted by:Fred

#2  ^ Always thought the grass on the quads was "off limits," not to be walked on ... much less gardened.
Posted by: Jolusing+Hatfield1692   2024-06-27 08:29  

Posted by: badanov   2024-06-27 00:58  
