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Houthis say they attacked an Israeli ship with a hypersonic missile for the first time.
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The army of the Shiite movement Ansar Allah (Houthis) ruling in northern Yemen for the first time attacked an Israeli ship with a hypersonic missile, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria said on the social network H.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces used a home-made hypersonic missile for the first time against the Israeli vessel MSC SARAH V in the Arabian Sea,” he wrote.

Saria also promised to later publish a video of the strike on the ship. According to him, the missile created by the Yemeni rebels is advanced, allowing it to hit targets at long distances with high accuracy.

As Regnum reported, in March the Houthis announced the successful test of a hypersonic missile. According to their information, a rocket was created in Yemen that reaches a speed of Mach 8 - almost 9 thousand km per hour.

Houthis attack Israeli-linked ships following the escalation of conflict in the Middle East in October 2023. Yemeni Shiites said that in this way they support the Palestinian movement Hamas. In January 2024, the United States and Great Britain began striking Ansar Allah positions.

The US also sent its ships into the Red Sea to support Israel, after which the Houthis began attacking them too. On June 22, Yemeni rebels said they launched a missile attack on the US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower. The United States denied this information, but Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said that the aircraft carrier had left the Red Sea.

Posted by:badanov

#2  a home-made hypersonic missile

The Hypervelocity Projectile (HVP) is a next-generation, common, low drag, guided projectile capable of executing multiple missions for a number of gun systems.

Somebody taught somebody else some new words.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-27 09:41  

#1  Dem Houthis got mad engineering skills /sarc

BTW_ the article misspelled "Shite"
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-27 09:40  
