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Trump classified documents prosecutor forced into groveling apology after Judge Aileen Cannon snapped in court: 'I don't appreciate your tone'
Tuesday 06/25/2024

Man killed by stray bullet in Karachi hospital parking area
Israeli military chief: Hamas'
Rafah brigade nearly dismantled
Paleostinian Corpse Count: 37,626
Death toll rises for Israeli attack on crowd in Khan Younis
At least 5 killed in Israeli attack on Maghazi refugee camp
Israeli military strikes school
in Gaza City, killing at least 6: Report
NYC gunman held on $1M bail after allegedly
shooting innocent bystander on UES subway car

Posted by:Fred

#4  Art, why does he hate us?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-25 20:50  

#3  That ain't outta focus! That's art" See? No boobies
Posted by: Fred   2024-06-25 11:39  

#2  Too much, or not enough, Titos.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-25 11:35  

#1  Out-of-focus...why does it hate us?
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-25 11:26  
