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Israeli forces arrest 10 men in occupied East Jerusalem
[Al Jazeera] The Israeli military has arrested ten Paleostinians in occupied East Jerusalem, shooting one of the men in the foot as they detained the group in the Bareed suburb, the Wafa news agency reports.

Israeli forces have also arrested three Paleostinian men in the town of Tammoun near Tubas, according to Wafa, while another man has been arrested in the town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah.

Israeli military raids have been reported in the following locations in the occupied West Bank:

The village of Rafat, west of the city of Salfit
The town of al-Khader, south of Bethlehem
The town of Beita, south of Nablus
The city of Nablus
The al-Tira neighbourhood of the city of Ramallah
The Balata camp, east of Nablus
Posted by:Fred
