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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her
[NYPOST] The illegal Venezuelan
...a country in Central America that sits on an enormous pool of oil. Formerly the most prospereous country in the region, it became infested with Commies sniffing almost unlimited wealth. It turned out the wealth wasn't unlimited, the economy collapsed under the clownish Hugo Chavez, the murder rate exceeded places like Honduras and El Salvador. A significant proportion of the populace refugeed to Colombia and points south...

n migrants colonists accused of murdering Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston lured the 12-year-old girl under a bridge, where they stripped her naked to the waist and assaulted her for two hours, disturbing new court documents allege.

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, allegedly bound Jocelyn’s hands behind her back during the brutal assault, then strangled her and dumped her body in a bayou, a Harris County court heard Monday.

Her feet were also bound and her back was covered in cuts, the court heard, according to KPRC.

Pena Ramos also allegedly asked his employer at a construction site for money so he could skip town after the murder, prosecutors said, according to Fox 26 Houston.

Both men are charged with capital murder for Jocelyn’s death. Though the current charges do not carry the possibility of the death penalty
, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said prosecutors have not ruled out pursuing it.

Ramos appeared during the Monday hearing, where the judge ruled him a flight risk and set his bond at $10 million — double what prosecutors requested, and ten times the sum sought by the defense.

"Our immigration system is broken and if there was ever a case that reflected that, it’s this one," DA Ogg said during a presser following the hearing.

Pena Ramos crossed the southern border illegally at El Paso, Texas, on May 28, The Post first reported last week, telling agents he was going to live with his cousin in Houston.

He was fitted with an ankle monitor that was set to track his location for 21 days — which he cut off two days after Jocelyn’s body was found.

Rangel Martinez entered the country at El Paso on March 14 and was also given an ankle monitor, but had it removed in May after it was determined he had no known criminal history.

Both suspects were seen on surveillance footage entering a 7/11 with Jocelyn on the night of her murder, and then walk down to the bridge where her body was later found half naked and strangled to death.

Jocelyn’s family said she sneaked out of her home the night of her disappearance and at some point met up with the suspects.

Her mother, Alexis Nungaray, spoke alongside DA Ogg Monday, saying her daughter had amazing opportunities in her future that her killers ripped from her.

"She was amazing, I still see her face in the back of my head everyday, all day. I keep getting little signs about her throughout the days and it’s been a very, very hard time for me and my family," Nungaray said.

"She had such a bright future ahead of her and I knew she was gonna go very far and these monsters took that opportunity from her, from our family."
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Posted by:Fred

#7  Joe Biden 'Sitting in Ivory Tower' While Donald Trump Called Me to Offer Condolences
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-25 13:25  

#6  No One 'Would Say That We Have a Secure Border'
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-25 08:26  

#5  Illegal Aliens, Charged with Jocelyn Nungaray's Murder, Not Yet Eligible for Death Penalty
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-25 08:25  

#4  Someone sorta missed out on the 4 years a lawfare waged against Trump and the wall. Unlike the current executive that ignores SCOTUS and court rulings, Trump worked in the system for good or bad in accordance with a republic. Some how the Left engages in deep Freudian Projection when it screams that Trump would be a tyrant.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-25 07:08  

#3  This would not have happened iif Trump sealed the border with a wall when he was president

Failing that he could have made e-verify mandatory so illegal migrants couldn’t work

He was not interestedbecause corporate donors want cheap illegal labour

He did change the drapes to gold, and he was not Democrat, so, there’s that
Posted by: Anon1   2024-06-25 06:10  


Does anyone see the O'Biden Regime, DC Swamp and their perverted staff worrying about normal USA Citizens & Voters?

Face it, if this trash steals another 4 years, the USA is done.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-25 05:17  

#1  Warmongers at the US State Department want to send a trillion dollars to foreign wars like Ukraine

But don't want to spend a cent securing the southern border.

How about: no war with Russia, not a dollar more for Ukraine, and station troops along the southern border, closing it.
Posted by: anon1   2024-06-25 02:13  
