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Good Morning

Synagogues in Makhachkala and Derbent
were attacked by terrorists - Russian Jewish Congress
Monday 06/24/2024

bessie love 01e226ef35
Sri Lanka
Keep an eye on the sky in Beirut
10 people found dead mysteriously
in different areas of Karachi
Swat lynching: Police move 23 suspects to 'unknown' location
Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
One of the Islamic Terrorists Eliminated by Russian National Guard and Security Forces in the Dagestan Region is Gadzhimurad Kagirov; a 28-Year-Old MMA Fighter
Fifth Column
Pro-Hamas Hard Bpyz in Los Angeles attempted to Block the Entrance to a Synagogue before Attacking a Crowd of nearby Jewish Residents before attacking residents across the Street
-Lurid Crime Tales-
Russia opens terror probe after attacks on synagogues, Orthodox churches; priest and police officers killed

Posted by:Fred

#9  Timeless beauty.

Nothing like a pretty smile.
Posted by: badanov   2024-06-24 11:01  

#8  Looks like a Woodstock hippie woods nymph. Cute tho.
Posted by: JohnQC   2024-06-24 10:47  

#7  Bessie cleans up nice and had a long career.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-24 10:21  

#6  You guys never went for the Barn Rats, huh?

My wife of 49 years ran her own riding stable and still prefers bare feet outside. Those girls are tough and they know where it's at.
Posted by: alanc   2024-06-24 07:31  

#5  "Bodiliness is next to godliness, chickabee."
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-24 07:19  

#4  I kinda like dirty girls.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-24 07:01  

#3  Little Bessie loves living like Nell
In her Hollywood holler. [yell: "Dell!"]
She's modest and godly,
And, even more oddly,
They leaves her alone there. ["That smay-ell!"]
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-24 04:43  

#2  ^And hair. And, I suspect a shower with soap etc... can't hurt.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-24 04:10  

#1  Delightful, but wash them feets
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-24 04:03  
