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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Large Terror Attack On Synagogue & Orthodox Churches In Russia's Dagestan
[ZH] Unknown terrorists went on a rampage using automatic weapons against religious sited in Dagestan, Russia on Sunday night. Authorities in the southern Russian republic situated in the Caucuses say that police officers were killed and wounded as the gunman targeted a synagogue and an Orthodox church.

At least nine are dead, and 25 injured. An Orthodox priest was also slain. A fire also resulted at the synagogue, with emergency response crews subsequently battling the blaze. Some reports say that two Orthodox churches were hit in the assault, and that a priest was killed.

Building in Dagestan on fire, via RT/social media

According to Russia's state-run TASS: "At approximately 18:00 [Moscow time] in Derbent, unknown persons fired at a synagogue and a church with automatic weapons. According to preliminary information, one police officer was killed and one was wounded."

"The car in which the suspects fled was identified as a white Volkswagen Polo, license plate 921 The circumstances are being clarified. Information about the dead and wounded police officers is being clarified."

And a Russian Internal Affairs Ministry statement indicated: "In Makhachkala, unknown persons fired at a traffic police post on Ermoshkin Street. The 'Interception' plan was announced. The identities of the attackers are being established."

It appears that at least some of the attackers may have gotten away, with RT reporting the following statement:

The suspects drove away in a white Volkswagen Polo, the police said, adding that they are currently searching for the vehicle.

The below includes more details via state-backed RT:

The assailants in Derbent reportedly broke into the Orthodox church and killed a local priest by slitting his throat, said Shamil Khadulaev, the head of the regional public oversight committee which monitors the observance of human rights in prisons. Other regional authorities have not commented on this information.

The synagogue was reportedly set on fire. Videos and photos have surfaced on social media purporting to show the building engulfed in flames.

Judging from some of the details to have emerged thus far, this appears to have been an Islamist terror attack, possibly by ISIS or an affiliated group.

The situation including efforts to apprehend the gunmen may have occurred over a period of hours.

Videos show large fires over the city of the attack and a heavy police response, with running street battles...


Coordinated Islamist terror attacks in Dagestan, Russia.

Bearded gunmen dressed in black have attacked a synagogue and a church.

At least 6 people k*lled

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 23, 2024
Posted by:DooDahMan

#1  And the scum slit the throat of the Orthodox priest.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-24 00:06  
