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Home Front: Politix
Trump plans to permit green cards to foreign graduates of US colleges
[GEO.TV] Republican candidate Donald Trump
...The tack in the backside of the Democratic Party...
has said that he will automatically permit green cards to foreign graduates of US colleges if he is re-elected, which is an unanticipated turn from the former president considering his strict rhetoric on immigration.
Y'gotta be here legally to go to college.
Trump promised to make it convenient to bring talent to the US and said anyone who graduates from a US college should be able to stay in the country during a podcast interview with Silicon Valley tech investors, reported Al Jazeera.

"It’s so sad when we lose people from Harvard, MIT, the greatest schools, and lesser schools that are phenomenal schools also," he said during an appearance on the All-In Podcast hosted by Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks and David Friedberg.

"I think you should get, automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country and that includes junior colleges, too," he added.

Individuals are given the right to live and work permanently in the US by a green card and it also offers a pathway to citizenship.

A sharp departure from the hardline positions on immigration that advanced his rise within the Republican Party has been marked by this proposal of his, which could create potentially hundreds of thousands of new citizenship applicants each year.

Notably, the Republican candidate has pledged to undertake the largest deportation of undocumented migrants colonists in US history if he gets reelected in November.
Posted by:Fred

#7  Zebulon is also a town in Ga. It's just a few miles from my favorite the Concord Cafe.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-23 19:54  

#6  Zebulon is correct in this as some unscrupulous companies (think almost any big tech firm) will grab and keep their highly educated green card holders in a state of indentured servitude well past the duration of a standard work visa.

A 'dirty little truth'.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-23 17:35  

#5  As someone with an advanced STEM degree , I have seen countless videos on the internet on how businesses can sidestep the requirement to that they hire a qualified American and instead hire a foreigner with a green card who they effectively own afterwards.
Posted by: Zebulon Shereper1497   2024-06-23 16:09  

#4  Then, tighten up grade inflation and graduation requirements.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-23 13:53  

#3  I am banking on Congress and the bureaucracy ruining any good idea.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 12:34  

#2  ^he didn't say "all graduates".
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-23 10:09  

#1  So they get a degree in gender studies and bam - here’s your green card. Starbucks will be pleased at the wealth of available foreign accented baristas.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 08:47  
