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-Land of the Free
Biden DHS docs suggested Trump supporters, military and religious people are likely violent terror threats
[FoxNews] Internal documents show that the board suggested 'most of the Domestic Terrorism threat' in the U.S. comes from Trump supporters
And while they’ve been focussed on such imaginary threats, real terrorists are welcomed across our southern border and in our airports — as the nation’s textbooks will record when describing the Crazy Years in the future.
A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board suggested that supporters of former President Donald Trump – as well as those who served in the military or are religious – have a greater possibility of posing domestic terrorism risks, according to internal files obtained by America First Legal (AFL).

Named the "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group," the now-disbanded board was created in September 2023 to provide DHS with "expert" analysis on subjects like terrorism and the trafficking of certain controlled substances like fentanyl.
The nation did rather howl its disdain at the level of stupid partisanship thus displayed by the Biden administration. Disbanding quickly became the less mortifying choice.
The panel, according to the conservative legal nonprofit's findings, included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan, both of whom signed onto an October 2020 letter falsely dismissing Hunter Biden's infamous laptop as Russian disinformation.
The poor darlings simply couldn’t help themselves. Levers of power, goes one view, are meant to be used, so they have done so.
The documents revealed that the board suggested "supporters of the former president" accounted for "most of the Domestic Terrorism threat" in the U.S.
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Posted by:NoMoreBS

#3  I guess all the illegal unvetted invaders didn’t start out as a domestic threat.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 08:44  


Posted by: Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857   2024-06-23 00:41  

#1  Classic Psychological Projection. Brennan and Clapper are the real threats.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-23 00:14  
