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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The enemy intensifies offensive actions in the direction of Horlivka - Toretsk, - Ukrainian General Staff
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

The Russian army is most active in the Pokrovsky direction.

by Ivanna Kapustyanska

Since the beginning of the day, the Russian invaders have been most active in the Pokrovsky direction. At the same time, a high intensity of offensive actions of the occupiers is observed in the Toretsk area. The total number of combat encounters increased to 64.

The situation at the front is discussed in the summary of the General Staff.

Units of the Defense Forces respond harshly to the assault and offensive actions of the invaders, destroy their infantry and equipment.

The border towns of Sumy and Chernihiv regions continue to suffer from insidious artillery shelling from the territory of the Russian Federation. So, from the direction of Belaya Beryozka (Russian Federation), an attack was made on Novovasylivka, from Staroselye (Russian Federation) on Grabovskoye, from Sluchovsk (Russian Federation) on Gremyach, as well as from Kozino (Russian Federation) on the village of Starykove.

At the same time, Kharkiv Region is under constant attacks by enemy aircraft . From the side of Belgorod (Russian Federation), terrorists made seven strikes with fourteen anti-aircraft missiles on the settlement of Liptsi, from Shebekino (Russian Federation) they hit Vovchansk with a guided aerial bomb.

Today, in the Kupyansk direction, enemy troops stormed the positions of Ukrainian defenders nine times in the areas of Stepova Novoselyvka, Andriivka, Myasozharivka, and Stelmakhivka. The aggressor struck Petropavlivka twice with four anti-aircraft guns.

Eight attempts of the occupiers to advance were repelled by our defenders, and the fighting near Stelmakhivka continues. The situation is under control.

Three times the enemy attacked units of the Defense Forces in the Limansk direction. Our soldiers repulsed one assault operation, battles continue near the settlements of Terna and Nevske. Borova and Pidlyman were hit by guided aerial bombs.

In the Siver region, the occupying army continues to be active in the Verkhnokamyansky, Spirn, Rozdolivka, and Viimka districts. Eight attacks by the Russian invaders were repelled, and the fighting continues.

The enemy continues to increase the pace of offensive actions in the direction of Horlivka - Toretsk . The aggressor's aviation strikes with anti-aircraft missiles. The defense forces are holding back the enemy's assaults in an organized manner, four attacks have been repulsed, and three more are continuing.

Also, the enemy does not abandon the intention to break through our defenses in the Pokrovsky direction. Since the beginning of the day, the Russian occupation forces have attacked the positions of Ukrainian soldiers near Novooleksandrivka, Vozdvizhenka, Yevhenivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Pershoya and Novopokrovsky 22 times. Currently, our defenders have repelled 14 enemy attacks, eight more are ongoing.

In the direction of Kurakhivka, the aggressor is trying to attack the positions of the Defense Forces near Krasnohorivka, Georgiivka, and Paraskoviivka. Our defenders have repelled three assaults by the occupiers in this area, and the same number are still ongoing.

On the Vremivsk direction, three enemy attacks near Staromayorskyi and Vodyanyi were not successful.

In the Orichiv direction, the occupation troops are attacking with the support of aviation. The invaders hit Kamiansk twice with thirty-six anti-aircraft guns. Three assault actions of the enemy failed in the area of ​​Robotyny, Malaya Tokmachka and Kamianskyi, one more battle is ongoing.

In the Dnieper direction, the attack of Russian mercenaries in the Krynok area was not successful.

In the rest of the directions, the situation has not changed much.

Posted by:badanov
