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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
In the direction of Kramatorsk, the enemy is storming Chasiv Yar, fighting continues near the city - General Staff
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Since the beginning of this day, 53 combat clashes took place at the front.

by Ivanna Kapustyanska

The situation at the front remains tense. The Russian army does not stop storming the Pokrovsky direction, the enemy is also trying to capture Chasiv Yar in the Kramatorsk direction. Fighting continues near the city. During the past day, 141 combat clashes took place, since the beginning of this day, 53 combat clashes took place at the front, according to the summary of the General Staff.

According to detailed information, over the past day, in total, the enemy has hit the positions of our troops and populated areas with four missile strikes, using six missiles, 62 air strikes (in particular, using 91 anti-aircraft missiles), launched more than 3,600 attacks, including 112 from rocket systems salvo fire, inflicted 1150 blows with kamikaze drones.

Over the past day, the Air Force and missile forces and artillery of the Defense Forces of Ukraine hit four places of concentration of personnel, as well as four areas of concentration of anti-aircraft missiles, three control points and one artillery vehicle.

Last day, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to 1,110 people. The enemy also lost eight tanks, 11 armored fighting vehicles, 28 artillery systems, 15 anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missiles, four missiles, 23 cars and two units of special equipment.

On the night of June 22, 2024, the Russian occupiers launched a missile-aircraft strike against critical infrastructure facilities in various regions of Ukraine, using air-, sea-, and land-based missiles, as well as "Shahed" type UAVs.

In total, the terrorists used 16 missiles of various types and 13 attack UAVs, namely: 10 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95 MS strategic aviation aircraft (launch area - Saratov Region (RF); two Iskander-K cruise missiles » (from the TOT of the Ukrainian Crimea); four "Kalibr" cruise missiles (from the Black Sea area); 13 attack UAVs of the "Shahed-131" type (launch areas - Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Russian Federation) and Balaklava (TOT of the Ukrainian Crimea).

As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 25 aerial targets were shot down : seven Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles; four Kalibr cruise missiles; "Iskander-K" cruise missile and 13 "Shahed-131/136" attack UAVs.

Since the beginning of this day, 53 combat clashes have already taken place. The invaders carried out nine airstrikes using nineteen anti-aircraft missiles, shelled the positions of our troops and populated areas more than 600 times.

Since the beginning of the day, there have already been eight enemy attacks in the Kupian direction in the areas of Stepova Novoselivka, Myasozharivka, and Stelmakhivka. Six attempts by the occupiers to advance were repelled by our defenders, and two assaults are ongoing. The situation is under control.

Moderate activity of the Russian occupiers is observed in the Siver region. To date, the enemy has tried 13 times to dislodge the Ukrainian defenders from their occupied positions near Verkhnokamyansky, Spirny, and Rozdolivka. Seven attacks by the Russian invaders were repelled, and the fighting continues.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the occupying forces do not stop trying to advance in the direction of Chasovoy Yar, near which the fighting continues. The Ukrainian defenders reliably hold the defense in the specified area and give a decent rebuff to the aggressor.

Units of the Defense Forces restrain the enemy in the direction of Horlivka - Toretsk. The battle continues.

In the Pokrovsky direction, Ukrainian defenders are taking measures to prevent Russian troops from advancing deep into our territory. 21 combat clashes have already taken place today. The enemy continues to put pressure on the positions of our defenders near Novooleksandrivka, Vozdvizhenka, Yevgenivka, Sokol, Novoselivka Persha and Novopokrovsk. Nine attacks were repulsed, fighting continues. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

In the Kurakhiv direction, three enemy assaults near Georgiivka and Paraskoviivka were unsuccessful.

According to detailed information, the losses of Russian troops in the past day in this direction amounted to: more than 180 people killed and wounded, two tanks, two artillery systems and a car were destroyed.

In the Vremivsk direction, the enemy's attack near Staromayorsky was not successful, another battle continues near Vodyanyi.

In the Orihiv direction, the assault of the occupying forces in the Robotyny region failed. Two more clashes continue near Malaya Tokmachka and Kamianskyi.

In the rest of the directions, the situation did not undergo significant changes.

The Defense Forces of Ukraine are taking all necessary measures to deter the enemy's offensive, exhaust its combat potential, and stabilize the situation.

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The enemy is conducting active offensive actions near Chasovoy Yar in Donetsk region, — Defense Forces
Most of the islands from the side of the Russian army fall on Chasiv Yar.

by Ivanna Kapustyanska

The Russian army, despite significant losses in the Donetsk direction, continues its attempts to capture Chasiv Yar.

This was stated on the air of the telethon by the spokesman of the "Khortytsia" OSU, Nazar Voloshyn.

"In just one day, more than 1,100 mortar and artillery attacks took place in this direction. And more than 260 attacks from various types of weapons "flew" into the Chasiv Yar area. This indicates that the majority of enemy attacks fall on the city of Chasiv Yar itself. Also, all assaults , there were 9 of them in that direction, the enemy is carrying out in order to "take" this city," the spokesman notes.

In the past day alone, enemy aircraft operated over Chasovoy Yar 11 times.

Also, according to Voloshin, the enemy is suffering heavy losses in this direction. Only on the morning of June 21, more than half a hundred occupiers were killed and more than 80 wounded were recorded.

"The previous day, the enemy was more active there, more than 250 occupiers were killed and almost 400 were wounded. Chasiv Yar is at the throat of the Russians," Voloshyn said.

The spokesman stated that all assaults by the Russian Federation fail and Ukrainian defenders maintain a reliable defense.

Posted by:badanov

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