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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 22, 2024
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Worth noting, has compiled its Invasion of Ukraine series into separate months, beginning May 9th, 2023. Linked in the title.

22:42 The head of the Tulchin diocese of the UOC, Metropolitan Jonathan, who last summer was sentenced to five years in prison for justifying Russian aggression, was released at the request of Patriarch Kirill and will soon arrive in Moscow, the Russian Orthodox Church reported.

22:31 In Kharkov, the number of victims as a result of today's Russian strike has increased to 54, three people were killed, said the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov. Zelensky said in an evening video message that the removal of the rubble continues. The Russians hit the city with four guided bombs, one of which destroyed a residential building in the central part of the city, next to the bus station. The rescue operation was difficult because the structure of the house collapsed.

The President emphasized that since the beginning of June alone, the Russians have used more than 2,400 guided bombs against Ukraine, about 700 of them against the Kharkiv region - both against the positions of the Defense Forces and against cities and communities.

“Ukraine needs the necessary forces and means to destroy carriers of these bombs, in particular Russian military aircraft where they exist. I am grateful to all partners, grateful to America for a strong decision that helped us stabilize the situation in the border area of ​​the Kharkov region - we got the opportunity destroy Russian missile launchers near the border and concentrations of Russian occupiers. Such decisions must be continued. A significant reduction in Russian missile terror against Kharkov and the region proves that it is absolutely possible to protect our cities and our communities from Russian bombs," Zelensky added.

21:44 The Financial Times writes that Ukraine, through third countries, has already received Serbian ammunition worth 800 million euros. According to the publication, Serbia is quietly increasing the sale of ammunition to the West, which ultimately helps strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities - even though it is one of two European countries that has not joined Western sanctions against Russia

18:48 On Sunday, June 23, all oblenergos will apply hourly shutdown schedules only in the evening, from 19:00 to 23:00, Ukrenergo reported.

17:24 Russian public pages write that in the area of ​​the village of Dubovoe, 8 km from Belgorod, a launcher of the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile system was hit. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov claims that Russian air defense allegedly shot down several targets on approach to Belgorod, and in the area of ​​the village of Dubovoe “the grass was burning.”

17:13 The Russians struck Kharkov with guided munitions: as of now, three people are killed and at least 25 wounded, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA. 16 people were hospitalized, two of them were children. Only civilian infrastructure was damaged: a multi-storey building, public transport stops, shops.

16:32 The Russians have suspended fighting in the Kharkov region and are partially withdrawing units, said Nazar Voloshin, speaker of the OSGV Khortitsa: “The enemy is trying to withdraw its units, which were in the area of ​​Volchansk, Tykhoy and Glubokoye, due to the fact that they have partially lost their combat capability. Forces defenses reliably held the defense there and successfully defeated the enemy. Therefore, the enemy is partially withdrawing some units for replenishment, because they are not combat-ready."

15:06 Advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Pyotr Andryushchenko reported about explosions in the city. According to him, a blow was struck at the Russian unit in Nikolskoye.

14:48 Two more countries joined the Peace Summit communiqué - Barbados and the Marshall Islands, Zelensky said. This is already the fifth and sixth new signatures on the document since the summit.

13:10 Zelensky will sign a security agreement with the EU on Wednesday, June 26, DW reports, citing sources.

12:47 In Ivano-Frankivsk, as a result of a night Russian attack, the National Technical University of Oil and Gas was damaged, city mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv said. The university itself said it had launched a fundraiser to help rebuild the missile-damaged building.

11:58 During today's night attack, the Russians used the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov for the first time to launch Caliber missiles, said Navy spokesman Dmitry Pletenchuk: “Four missiles were fired from the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov. And this is an important turning point, because they use it, considering it safer water area than the Black Sea." At the same time, he added that the Air Force had shot down all the Calibers, and the effectiveness of this type of missiles was no longer the same as at the beginning of a full-scale invasion.

11:29 In Russia, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Customs Service and bailiffs joined in the recruitment of suspects and accused into units of the Russian army that are fighting in Ukraine, writes Kommersant. According to the publication, all of them are instructed to establish interaction with military registration and enlistment offices and invite physically healthy defendants in criminal cases aged 18 to 65 to serve, who are guaranteed the suspension and then termination of criminal prosecution, as well as the expungement of criminal records.

11:00 Today, June 22, restrictions on electricity consumption will begin to apply two hours earlier - from 14:00 to 24:00, Ukrenergo reported. The reason is the consequences of massive Russian attacks on energy facilities.

10:43 The Russians attacked a police checkpoint in the Kherson region with a drone, the NP reported. The senior police lieutenant was seriously injured and died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

10:12 The Russians captured the village of Shumy in the Bakhmut district of the Donetsk region, reports the analytical project DeepState. Also, according to them, Russian troops have advanced in Pivnichny - now there is a new hot spot there. Analysts note that the Russians' goal is to capture Toretsk.

09:08 In the Donetsk region on June 21, five people were killed as a result of Russian shelling: two in Selidovo, two in Toretsk and one in Druzhba. Seven more people in the region were injured, said the head of the OVA, Vadim Filashkin.

09:05 In the Kherson region over the past 24 hours, as a result of Russian shelling, one person was killed and four were injured, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin. The administrative building, a high-rise building, and three private houses were damaged.

08:41 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of June 22. At the same time, the department clarified that the total number of enemy losses in operational-tactical level UAVs is presented taking into account the clarification for the previous period, losses for the previous day are presented as usual:

personnel - about 533,090 (+1110) people,
tanks - 8009 (+8),
armored combat vehicles - 15,383 (+11),
artillery systems - 14,188 (+28),
MLRS - 1106 (+0),
air defense systems - 861 (+0),
aircraft - 359 (+0),
helicopters - 326 (+0),
UAV of operational-tactical level - 11 305 (+15),
cruise missiles - 2302 (+4),
ships/boats - 28 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 19,204 (+23),
special equipment - 2369 (+2).

08:12 Air defense overnight destroyed 12 of 16 Russian missiles and all 13 Shahed attack UAVs, the Air Force reported. During a night attack on critical infrastructure facilities in different regions of Ukraine, Russia used ten Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles (seven of them were shot down), two Iskander-K cruise missiles (one of them was shot down), four Caliber cruise missiles ( all shot down).

07:54 In the Zaporozhye region, one person was killed as a result of enemy shelling in the Pologovsky district, four more people were wounded in the Pologovsky and Zaporozhye districts. The enemy launched a missile strike in the Zaporozhye region, said the head of the OVA, Ivan Fedorov.

07:23 In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, as a result of a night attack, several buildings and other buildings of one of the educational institutions were partially destroyed, said the head of the OBA Svetlana Onischuk. There is also damage to nearby houses, and residential buildings in one of the region's communities were damaged. According to preliminary information, no people were injured.

07:18 At night, Russia again attacked Ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities, Ukrenergo reported. Equipment at facilities in the Zaporozhye and Lviv regions was damaged. Two power engineers were wounded in the Zaporozhye region.

05:27 The Russians launched a missile attack on a critical energy infrastructure facility in the Lviv region. A fire broke out, but there were no reports of casualties, said the head of the OVA, Maxim Kozitsky.

04:39 The Washington Post writes, citing sources, that the United States has limited the use of American weapons for attacks on Russian territory: the Ukrainian Armed Forces are prohibited from attacking targets more than 100 km from the border and striking key Russian airfields.

Posted by:badanov
