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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The number of clashes at the front increased to 99
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

The Ukrainian military is holding back the enemy along the entire front line.

In the Pokrovsky and Toretsky directions, the enemy continues to increase the pace of offensive operations and is using significant forces for this.

“Since the beginning of the day, the number of military clashes along the entire front line has increased to 99. In the Pokrovsky and Toretsky directions, the enemy continues to increase the pace of offensive actions, using significant forces for this. Despite this, the Ukrainian defenders confidently hold back the pressure of the Russian occupation forces and inflict significant losses on the enemy ", the summary says.

In the Kharkov direction, the aggressor is trying to attack near Volchansk, there is a battle going on there.

“Since the beginning of the day, in the Kupyansky direction, enemy troops have already stormed the positions of Ukrainian defenders 12 times in the areas of Sinkovka, Stepnoy Novoselovka, Andreevka, Myasozharovka, Stelmakhovka and Peschany. Ukrainian defenders are staunchly holding the defense. Nine attempts by the invaders to move forward have been repulsed. Near Stelmakhovka and Sinkovka, three continue clashes. The situation is under control,” the General Staff reports.

In the Liman direction, the invaders attacked defense force units eight times near the settlements of Terny and Nevskoye. Five clashes ended without success for the enemy, three are still ongoing.

The occupation army continues to look for weak points in our defense in the Seversk direction. Eight attacks by Russian invaders were repelled by our soldiers near Verkhnekamensky, Sporny, Razdolevka and Vyemka, the report says.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy is trying to oust the Ukrainian defenders from their positions near Ivanovsky and Grigoryevka. Two attacks have been repulsed, one is still ongoing.

In the Toretsk direction, the number of assaults by the invaders increased to 11. The defense forces repelled five assaults by the Russians, six attacks are still ongoing.

" In the Pokrovsky direction there are the largest number of clashes. Since the beginning of the day, the invaders have already made 32 attempts to dislodge our defenders from their positions in the areas of Novoaleksandrovka, Vozdvizhenka, Evgenievka, Sokol, Novoselovka Pervaya and Novopokrovsky. The defense forces are holding back the pressure and repelled 21 enemy attacks, 11 clashes are still ongoing,” the General Staff said.

Fighting continues in the Kurakhovsky direction. With the support of aviation, the enemy attacks at Krasnogorovka, Georgievka and Paraskoveevka.

In the Vremiv direction, the enemy made six unsuccessful attempts to break into our defenses near Staromayorsky, Urozhayny and Vodyanoy.

In the Orekhovsky direction, four enemy assault operations failed in the area of ​​Rabotino, Malaya Tokmachka and Kamensky, another clash continues.

In the Dnieper direction, two attacks by Russian mercenaries in the Krynok area were unsuccessful.

In other areas, the situation has not undergone significant changes.

Earlier it was reported that the Air Defense Forces shot down 12 missiles and 13 drones during the night.

Posted by:badanov
