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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (22 June 2024)
Direct Translation Via Google Translate. Edited.

The Russian defense ministry failed to provide it daily summary, so we slummin'

21:30Destroyedcommander of a group of Ukrainian special forces.

Senior lieutenant of special forces Igor Martinyuk was killed as a result of a mine explosion.

20:40 Units of the 18th Combined Arms Army continue to destroy the enemy on the right bank of the Dnieper -video.

19:23 200 brigade covered the transport of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, and then them themselves when they fled -video.

18:42 Destruction of the Ukrainian D-20 in the area of ​​the settlement. Karaichnoye, Kharkov region -video.

17:59 69th brigade destroyed a field ammunition depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces -video.

17:10 Our assault group smokes Ukrainian Armed Forces militants out of holes in the Seversky direction with grenades -video.

16:36 Direct arrival of FAB in Kharkov -video.

15:52 Arrivals of FABs of the Russian Army against militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village. Prechistovka -video.

15:19 Warriors of the “Northern” group destroyed the radio intelligence station “Plastun” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village. White Well

14:50 Another “defender” of the Ukrainian regime was eliminated in the Northern Military District zone.

Nationalist Andrei Melnik joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine in May 2022. He served in the 72nd separate mechanized brigade named after. Black Cossacks. On June 15, 2024, he went to his idols -photo.

14:10 Russian drone pilots are terrorizing the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants with FPV drones -video.

13:38 Arrival of the “Lancet” from the fighters of the “Northern” group on the BTR-4E Armed Forces of Ukraine -video.

12:56 Fighters of the “Northern” group disrupted the next rotation of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants -video.

12:29 Avdiivka direction, the Humvee of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was hit by the Sudoplatovtsev drone pilot -video.

11:25 In the Kherson direction, the enemy began making homemade BECs for transporting provisions and ammunition.

As soon as they begin their journey, our operators immediately detect and destroy them -video.

10:49 LMUR destroyed the control center of the UAV of the Ukrainian Armed Forces -video.

10:30 On June 10, 2024, as a result of an artillery strike on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction, the Ukrainian nationalist Vadim Kirichuk was eliminated -photo.

09:59 Two more neo-Nazis left from the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Lyubomir Fudal and Andrey Batura.

Both joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the start of the Northern Military District. The Russian military destroyed Fudal in May, and Batura in June

09:20 The Ukrainian Armed Forces' vehicles did not survive the meeting with the UAV operators of the 38th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade -video.

08:52 Drops on a car with Ukrainian Armed Forces militants -video.

08:08 Following the movement of the Mavik, the control center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces UAV was discovered near Chashi Yar. He was immediately covered with artillery -video.

Posted by:badanov
