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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: June 22 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

23:59 Official summary of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC from 00:00 06/22/2024 to 00:00 06/23/2024.

A total of 47 facts of armed attacks by the UFU were recorded by the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC over the past 24 hours.

Information was received about the death of three and the injury of four civilians.

A total of 16 cars,
Twelve residential buildings,
One minibus,
Five civil infrastructure facilities.
21 attacks in the Donetsk direction.

A total of 26 artillery attacks in the Gorlovka direction.
A total of 139 units of various ammunition were fired.
23:00 Front birdbroadcasts: Southern regions.

It is reported that several groups of Russian Geranium UAVs have been launched.

21:35 Military expert Boris Rozhin about the situation in the Ocheretinsky breakthrough zone in the Donetsk section of the Northern Military District:

Fighting on the eastern outskirts of the village.
The enemy almost completely lost the dacha area.
The Russian Armed Forces are expanding the control zone along the banks of the Karlovskoye Reservoir. The enemy is preparing for defense in the central and western parts of Karlovka.

Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces are working in the village; it has not yet been completely cleared.
The gray zone south of Yasnobrodovka has been partially eliminated.
It is not yet possible to reach from the north.

Novoselka first.
The enemy still maintains control over the village, holding back attacks by the Russian Armed Forces from Umansky and Novopokrovsky.
There is some progress towards Novoselka First, but for now it is too early to talk about a full-fledged entry there.

Fighting is taking place on the eastern outskirts of Sokol.
The village itself was almost completely destroyed.
The Russian Armed Forces are advancing north of Sokol, bypassing the fortified area located near the village.
There are no changes in the direction of Progress yet.

The Russian Armed Forces launched an offensive on Vozdvizhenka, which covers the Konstantinovka-Krasnoarmeysk highway.

Within a day, we managed to move from the previously occupied Novoaleksandrovka to the outskirts of Vozdvizhenka and start fighting there.

These actions obviously pose the greatest threat to the enemy’s logistics in the Donbass, so we can expect an intensification of the transfer of enemy reserves to this area.

After expanding the zone of control north of Arkhangelskoye and moving southwest of Kalinovo, the Russian Armed Forces are increasing pressure on the area between Novoaleksandrovka and Kalinovo, trying to avoid a frontal assault on the fortified area covering Kalinovo from the south in order to bypass it to the west of the settlement.

Today the enemy has lost a number of positions and landings in this area.

In general, the Ocheretinsky breakthrough continues to give rise to local crises for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, creating ever new threats to the integrity of the front.

Despite the efforts made, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were unable to radically change the dynamics of events here, which is due to the constraint of a significant part of the enemy’s reserves by the battle in the Khar'kov region. 2-3 brigades from there could complicate the advance of the Russian Armed Forces to the west of Ocheretino.

But while they are not there, the RF Armed Forces continue to accumulate tactical results that can be converted into more significant operational achievements in the event of a breakthrough to the Konstantinovka-Krasnoarmeysk highway.

20:51 Krivoy Rog. Explosion.

Reportedthat the explosion in Krivoy Rog was the result of the work of our tactical aviation. Our Su-34 has completed its work. The Kh-59 cruise missile accurately hit the target.

19:41 Work on calculations of enemy operators of “Baba Yaga” by FABs in the Kherson direction -video.

18:20 Around 17.15 Moscow time suppressed another attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack using aircraft-type UAVs against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Duty air defense systems destroyed a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle over the territory of the Bryansk region.

17:57 Statements by representatives of the North, West, South, Center, East and Dnepr groups on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 22, 2024) -video.

17:21 Special military operation. Situation on June 22 –map.

16:45 Several powerful explosions happened in Khar'kov, local residents report on social networks.

15:27 At the thermal power plant in Kyiv thundered explosion, they write online. There is no information about the reasons yet.

15:03 RF Armed Forces knocked out enemy from Shumy, occupying the previously mentioned fortifications on the way to Kirovo.

The enemy had previously admitted the loss of the village of Shumy. There are battles on the outskirts of Kirovo.

13:44 Situation in the Kupyansky direction on June 22:

The enemy in the Kupyansk area has been subjected to massive artillery attack by our artillery over the past two days. At the moment, units of the 116th Separate Mechanized Brigade (consisting of 1 tank and 3 mechanized battalions) are concentrated in the section from Sin'kovka through Petropavlovka to Stepnaya Novoselovka.

The once active 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (consisting of 3 battalions and a group of UAVs) was transferred in April to the Soledar direction - near Vasyukovka.

As before, we are recording here the 14th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, which has been registered in Kupyansk since last year. Also noted are separate groups from the 108th Mountain Assault battalion, 10th Mountain Assault battalion, 110th Troop Brigade, 4th Tank Brigade, operating with the support of 4th Tank Brigade reconnaissance and attack UAV groups, the “Mountain” group, and the “Comanche” artillery reconnaissance division from the 40th Srtillery Brigade.

The listed units mainly hold the defense of the Sin'kovka - Stepnaya Novoselovka line. To the west, on the shore of Oskol, there is the 166th battalion of the 119th Territorial Defense Brigade, covering the road to Kupyansk-Uzlovaya.

As our fellow volunteer subscribers report, our artillery is working closely on enemy positions, and in some places the Ukrainian Armed Forces are withdrawing their forces. Attacks are regularly carried out on two poorly functioning crossings across Oskol to the western part of Kupyansk: one near the blown up railway bridge, the second in the Kantsedalovka area (to Uzlovaya). The capacity of these crossings is extremely low. The enemy, under fire, is trying to restore communications by hauling in logs, construction debris, broken bricks and concrete.

Most units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not rotated in the Kupyansky sector for more than six months. Morally worn-out personnel are not engaged in strengthening the city, simply holding positions on the eastern bank of Oskol.

The configuration of the defensive line here has not changed much; no new defensive linemen are visible from Sin'kovka to Stepnaya Novoselovka. The same cannot be said about the section to the southwest - in the Peschanoye - Glushkovka direction, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to strengthen the line, fearing a breakthrough of our forces to Kupyansk-Uzlovoy from the south. '

In this area we record up to 2 battalions of the 10th and 119th Troops Operations brigades. South of Kupyansk, the positions of the 40th Artillery Brigade of the “Prince Viscount” are deployed, which works with the support of the Comanche artillery reconnaissance group (their work was noticed in the Peschany area in May).

The main enemy fortified areas are still located in the Kantsedalovka area and the forest area near Sobolevka, where cannon artillery firing positions are deployed. The work of the Archer self-propelled guns is observed here, which regularly strikes the places where our advancing forces are concentrated. There is a direct parallel with the area beyond Chasov Yar, from where they are hitting us with 155s.

The enemy everywhere uses electronic warfare, which covers small forces, making it difficult for our UAVs to fly over. However, yesterday, unmanned units of the Russian Armed Forces carried out a number of targeted attacks on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions using FPV drones. The overall picture is that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are simply stuck waiting for a command to retreat in case the defense of Volchansk fails. The routes to the Oskol coastline from the east are being actively mined.

The situation in Kupyansk itself is radically different from the Chasov Yar. It doesn't look like the enemy is aiming to hold the city. In turn, by transferring troops from Chasov Yar to Volchansk, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold the defense here, hoping to wear us down, as our allies - colleagues from the 98th Airborne Division channel - quite accurately noted

13:16 Opponent acknowledges almost complete loss of the village of Shumy and the loss of a number of important positions, some of which had been held by the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014. Ten years later, they somehow routinely came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces on what was recently considered a secondary sector of the front, which also came to life.

12:37 New York. Massive air strike.

More than 10 arrivals of FAB 1500 with UPMK to enemy positions! Struck enemy equipment and Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel suffer significant losses.

12:17 Statement by the head of the press center of the Vostok group -video.

Units of the Vostok group of troops continue to carry out combat missions in the special military operation zone.

During active operations, the group's units improved the situation along the front line, thwarted the enemy's attempts to strengthen forward positions and rotation in strong points in the areas of Vladimirovka, Pavlovka, Urozhainy, Makarovka, Lugovskoye and Belogorye.

Artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems hit strongholds and areas where manpower and equipment accumulated in the 58th motorized infantry brigade and the 128th Territorial Defense Brigade in the Oktyabr and Storozhevoy areas.

Over the course of 24 hours, more than 120 enemy military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, an armored combat vehicle, ten units of automotive equipment, and eleven aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

11:40 Kramatorsk. According to preliminarydataAs a result of retaliatory actions by the Russian Armed Forces, MGM-140 ATACMS missile launchers were destroyed.

At the landing site, smoke rises and secondary detonation is heard.

11:09 Summary on the morning of June 22, 2024.

At night, a combined strike was carried out on enemy rear targets. Tu-95ms aircraft, Caliber missiles, and Geranium UAVs were used. Explosions were heard in Pavlograd, Khmelnitsky, Vinnitsa, Volyn, and Lvov regions. In the city of Stryi (Lviv region), power outages were reported after the strikes.

In the Khar'kov direction, fierce fighting continues in Volchansk. The attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled. In the Liptsovsky direction, due to heavy losses, the enemy did not take active actions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces is accumulating human and material reserves to carry out counter-offensive actions.

In Chasov Yar, the main part of the Kanal microdistrict came under the control of our troops. The Hydroreinforced Concrete plant is busy. In recent days, we have managed to completely clear the forest area to the north. In the Kalinovka area, the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade occupied the central part of the settlement and partially cleared the adjacent forest to the south.

In the Yuzhnodonetsk direction, the zone of control of the Russian Armed Forces in Krasnogorovka has been expanded, and battles are reported on the western outskirts of Maksimilyanivka west of Georgievka.

On the Zaporozhye front, our units attacked in the area of Nesteryanka and Novopokrovka. The enemy is attacking energy facilities on our territory, and reports have appeared in the media about possible plans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to take counter-offensive actions on this section of the front. Our TOS operate in the area of the settlement. Pyatikhatki.

In the Kherson direction there are reports of shooting battles in the floodplain of the river. Dnieper on the section opposite Krynka - Cossack Camps, in the area of the Antonovsky railway bridges.

The Belgorod region is again under enemy attack. Murom, Shebekinsky urban district, was attacked by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the help of a kamikaze drone, a civilian was wounded. There, the enemy hit the trading facility. As a result of artillery attack on the outskirts of the city of Shebekino, one civilian was injured. Pochaevo, Grayvoronsky urban district, was shelled

In the Kursk region, Gornal and Nikolaevo-Daryino of the Sudzhansky district, Tyotkino, Krasnooktyabrsky, the Otruba farm of the Glushkovsky district, Obukhovka and Uspenovka of the Korenevsky district were shelled. Drone attacks were recorded near the village of Nikolaevo-Daryino in the Sudzhansky district, the village of Gordeevka and the village of Uspenovka in the Korenevsky district, the Kucherov farm in the Belovsky district, the villages of Tyotkino and Krasnooktyabrsky, the village of Elizavetovka in the Glushkovsky district. Electronic warfare equipment in the border areas suppressed 17 Ukrainian drones during the day.

In the Bryansk region, aircraft-type UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed over the Klintsovsky, Klimovsky and Surazhsky districts. The village of Sopychi, Pogarsky district, and Belaya Berezka, Trubchevsky district, were attacked with the help of FPV drones.

In the LPR, three civilians were injured as a result of Ukrainian Armed Forces strikes on Pervomaisk.

In the DPR in the village In Gorlovka, a woman born in 1967 was injured as a result of a kamikaze UAV attack.

10:38 Statement by the head of the press center of the Center group -video.

The Center group of troops continues to carry out combat missions in the special military operation zone.

In total, 340 identified enemy targets were hit by fire during the day.

Units of the group, with fire support from aviation and artillery, defeated the formations of the 23rd, 24th Mechanized, 142nd Infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Novoaleksandrovka, Novopokrovsky, Novgorodsky.

The enemy lost up to 410 troops, four surrendered. FPV drone crews destroyed an M-113 armored personnel carrier and three vehicles.

During the counterbattery fight, three 152mm Msta-B howitzers, two M-119 howitzers, three 122mm D-30 howitzers, a 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, and two 100mm MT-12 Rapira anti-tank guns were hit.

Air defense systems shot down two Hymers MLRS rockets and a Leleka-100 unmanned aerial vehicle.

10:05 Avdeevsko - Krasnoarmeyskoe direction.

According to one of the enemy propagandists, the Russian army managed tooccupy the center of the village of Karlovka. The enemy reports that our fighters have broken through the enemy’s defenses.

Success is also developing in Yasnobrodovka and north of Umansky in the direction of Novoselka - Pervaya. The vector of attack from the northern flank has sharply shifted to the southern flank of the direction, where the enemy is not able to withstand our attack.

09:52 Criminal Kyiv regime continues to fire at the civilian infrastructure of settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region, yesterday during the day the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired from cannon artillery:

-- n.p. Kairo three rounds;

-- Bolshaya Lepetikha settlement four rounds;

-- n.p. Novaya Kakhovka three rounds;

-- n.p. Korsunka three rounds;

-- n.p. Golaya Pristan four rounds.

In addition, a household in the village came under attack from a UAV. Lyubimovka.

During the night, the Kiev regime continued to shell civilian infrastructure in the village. Novaya Kakhovka, n.p. Kakhovka, n.p. Aleshki, n.p. Solontsy, n.p. Dnepryan, firing a total of 19 rounds from cannon artillery.

Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure are being determined.

09:22 During last night suppressed an attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out terrorist attacks using aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Duty air defense systems destroyed two UAVs over the territory of the Bryansk region, two UAVs over the territory of the Smolensk region and one UAV over the Sea of Azov.

08:45 Telegram channel “Fisherman":

Chronicle of a special military operation for June 21, 2024

Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops carried out strikes on targets in Krivoy Rog and Kirovograd, in addition, explosions occurred in the Odessa area. Ukrainian formations, in turn, again carried out a drone raid on the Republic of Crimea, and the Ilsky Oil Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory was also damaged.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is conducting counterattacks in Volchansk and Glubokoye, trying to dislodge Russian troops from their positions. Attacks on civilian infrastructure in the Belgorod region also continue.

In the Artyomovsky direction, Russian attack aircraft occupied the industrial zone of the Kanal microdistrict and the area north of Oleg Koshevoy Street, as a result of which the enemy retains control only over the southwestern part of the microdistrict.

In the Aleksandro-Kalinovsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are conducting an offensive towards Druzhba and Leninsky, but the lack of objective control personnel does not allow us to assess the scale of the advance.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops expanded the zone of control in Krasnogorovka, moving north along Matrosova Street. Fighting also continues on the eastern outskirts of Maksimilyanivka, but no significant changes in the situation have been recorded.

08:00 Official summary of Representative offices of the DPR in the JCCC:

A total of 27 facts of armed attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were recorded by the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC.

Information was received about a civilian being injured.

Four residential buildings.

Four attacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction,

A total of 23 attacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Gorlovka direction.

In total, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired 80 units of various ammunition.

Posted by:badanov
