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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Top Russian spook Naryshkin on CIA covert operations in other countries
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] While the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) conducts covert operations in other countries, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is working to strengthen international security, said SVR head Sergei Naryshkin.

“In my opinion, the fundamental difference is the fact that the Central Intelligence Agency is not an intelligence organization in the true sense. It was created to conduct secret operations,” Naryshkin noted on the Russia-24 TV channel.

The head of the SVR added that the CIA’s activities were sometimes “very uncivilized.” As an example, Naryshkin cited the provision of support to undemocratic regimes, and sometimes to “outright terrorists.”

At the same time, he emphasized that the SVR’s task is to identify and prevent threats to Russia and its citizens, as well as strengthening international stability and security.

As Regnum reported, on February 25, The New York Times, citing former and current Ukrainian, American and European officials, reported that over the past eight years, a network of secret CIA bases has appeared in Ukraine near its border with Russia. It was noted that we are talking about creating at least 12 such facilities. According to the publication, the opening of secret bases has turned Ukraine into one of the most important intelligence bases for confronting Russia.

The article stated that the CIA was monitoring the movements of the Russian army and providing Kyiv with information for launching missile strikes. The intelligence service also helps Ukraine develop spy networks that allegedly operate in Russia and throughout Europe.

In October 2023, The Washington Post wrote that since 2015, the US Central Intelligence Agency has allocated tens of millions of dollars to turn Ukrainian intelligence services into an ally against Russia. According to journalists, the CIA maintains a significant presence in Ukraine.

Posted by:badanov
