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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ex-Colonel of the SBU: in the Special Military Operation zone there will be a key battle before the negotiations in the summer
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Kiev, June 22, 2024, 19:32 - IA Regnum. A key battle will begin in the special operation zone in August-September, after which Russia and Ukraine can begin the negotiation process, ex-Colonel of the SBU Oleg Starikov said on June 22 on the Politeka YouTube channel.

“There will be some kind of military event in August-September. I call this a general battle, which will lead to escalation or de-escalation and, perhaps, will become the basis for the start of negotiations,” he suggested.

To counter the attacks of Russian guided bombs that are destructive to the fortified areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the expert added, the West is preparing an air group.

In March, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the launch of mass production of FAB-3000 aerial bombs. According to Russian military expert Alexei Leonkov, the three-ton aerial bomb has such destructive power that it can be used to storm particularly fortified areas. He also added that new technologies will turn it into practically a precision weapon.

Starikov previously compared the power of high-explosive bombs used by the Russian army with tactical nuclear weapons. He also pointed out that equipping the three-ton FAB-3000 with a universal planning and correction module could completely suppress the moral and psychological state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As Regnum reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that the United States and its satellites are doing everything to prolong the conflict in Ukraine, openly ignoring peace initiatives and directly stating that their goal is to inflict strategic defeat on Russia. According to him, the West is constantly raising the degree of escalation, hoping that Russia will get scared at a certain moment.

The head of state is confident in Russia's victory. As has always been the case in history, in years of testing, Russian society demonstrates cohesion, the unity of the army and the people, and loyalty to the values ​​of mutual assistance and solidarity bequeathed by its ancestors, Putin emphasized.

Posted by:badanov
