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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian border guards said that more than a hundred men try to leave Ukraine every day
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Kiev, June 23, 2024, 00:04 - IA Regnum. Almost every day, more than a hundred men of military age try to illegally leave Ukraine and hide in Europe. The head of the department for organizing border control of the state border service, Igor Matviychuk, spoke about this,the UNIAN agency reported.

According to Matviychuk, these 100 people include those whom the border guards of neighboring countries manage to detain: Poland, Slovakia (Hungary does not provide such information).

Fugitive evaders are trying to leave Ukraine illegally through checkpoints and unequipped sections of the border.

Ukrainians who are caught are fined, and those who organize their escape are subject to criminal liability.

Fines for mobilization evaders range from 17 thousand to 25.5 thousand hryvnia (from 420 to 630 dollars).

As Regnum reported, Ukrainian border guards detained 47 people - the men tried to illegally leave the country so as not to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Five cars were discovered near the village of Obzhiloe in the Odessa region - four minibuses and an escort car. They contained fugitives and seven organizers of the crossing abroad. For the crossing of each man, the organizers charge from 5 to 10 thousand dollars.

In Ukraine, many of the male population do not leave their homes, trying to avoid forced mobilization. They rely on food delivery and carry emergency warning equipment in case they are forcibly seized by military officials.

The law on strengthening mobilization in Ukraine came into force on May 18. According to the document, the procedure for mobilization has been tightened, including penalties for evasion. At the same time, police officers, assistants to deputies, as well as owners of strategic enterprises were exempted from mobilization. Disabled people of all groups will be able to count on a deferment of mobilization. However, all of them will have to undergo a medical examination at least once a year to re-certify their disabled status.

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NYT: tens of thousands of Ukrainians are hiding from mobilization
Washington, June 22, 2024, 05:41 - IA Regnum. Not wanting to take part in the conflict, tens of thousands of Ukrainian men are hiding from mobilization, the American newspaper The New York Times wrote.

The article states that it is difficult to establish the exact number of Ukrainians hiding from the authorities. But in large cities such as Kyiv and Lviv, the number of participants in groups on social networks where people are warned about mobilization reaches “tens of thousands.”

Ukrainian men are afraid of dying during a military conflict. The authorities are sending poorly trained military personnel to the front to make up for combat losses, the authors continued.

According to military analysts, due to the lack of appropriate training, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not able to hold their positions.

As Regnum reported, in Ukraine many of the male population do not leave their homes, trying to avoid forced mobilization. They rely on food delivery and carry emergency warning equipment in case they are forcibly seized by military officials.

The law on strengthening mobilization in Ukraine came into force on May 18. According to the document, the procedure for mobilization has been tightened, including penalties for evasion. At the same time, law enforcement agencies, assistants to deputies, as well as owners of strategic enterprises were exempted from mobilization. Disabled people of all groups will be able to count on a deferment of mobilization. However, all of them will have to undergo a medical examination at least once a year to re-certify their disabled status.

Posted by:badanov
