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Home Front: Politix
Judge Judy Says Trump's NYC Hush Money Trial Was "Nonsense" And She "Resents" It As A Taxpayer
[ZERO] There's going to be a lot of conflicted daytime TV viewers who count both The View and Judge Judy in their daily lineup after this one...

One of Manhattan's favorite judges, TV icon Judge Judy Sheindlin, weighed in on Donald Trump's criminal "hush money" trial last week in an interview with Chris Wallace, calling the spectacle "nonsense".

Sheindlin, known for her show "Judge Judy," discussed former President Trump's recent felony conviction with CNN's Wallace. Sheindlin, a Brooklyn native, expressed her disapproval of Trump's Manhattan prosecution.

"Trump was indicted in 4 separate cases," Wallace asked Judy. "Is that the justice system working?"

She responded to Wallace: "I would be happier as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who are making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway..."

" use his efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend 5 million or ten million of taxpayers money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense," she continued.

Posted by:Besoeker

#1  The country is in Civil War as a WH resident tries to throw his likely successor in jail to prevent an election loss. Amidst the chaos Judge Judy and Chris Wallace discuss the trial as if it is a case of $10M that could have been better spent.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:01  
