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Home Front: Politix
President Trump's Fundraising Haul Is Reshaping the Race
[PJ] I was wrong.

Well, maybe not "wrong." More like "not entirely accurate." Oh, let's just go ahead and admit I was blatantly, stupidly, idiotically wrong about Trump not being able to catch up with Joe Biden's fundraising before Election Day.

Trump's conviction has unleashed a cash tsunami that has closed the fundraising gap with Joe Biden in one fell swoop.

The numbers are unbelievable. Trump outraised Biden by $60 million in May. The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee said it raised a staggering $141 million in May. Most importantly, the Trump campaign now has a healthy $170 million in the bank at the end of May.

The Trump campaign said it raised $53 million online in the 24 hours after the so-called hush money verdict. Those numbers won't be verifiable until the online fundraising site WinRed files its FEC report in July.

Trump's super PAC, "MAGA, Inc., benefitted from a one-time donation from Timothy Mellon of $50 million. MAGA Inc. raised $69 million in May — its best fundraising month of the cycle — and reported $94 million in cash on hand," according to the Washington Post.

So both candidates have ungodly amounts of cash on hand, and both appear to have hit their stride in fundraising. What are they going to do with all this money?

Joe Biden spent $50 million on an ad campaign that Democratic strategist Steve Schmidt said looks like it was "written by a committee of chat GPTS." But Biden just hired 1,000 people to staff 200 new offices around the country. Trump is far behind in building a national organization.
Posted by:Besoeker

#11  It would be cool if Trump gives a shout out to Tappers kids for singing the national anthem to a bunch of no- hoper protesters the other day.
Posted by: Ululating Platypus   2024-06-23 18:39  

#10  Biden will lie and Tapper will not call him on it. Neither will MSM when the debate is over. Remember how he lied about the laptop in the 2016 debate? It's bound to happen again. Trump needs to be prepared for that.
Posted by: Abu Uluque   2024-06-23 18:14  

#9  ^ 90 Minutes. The longest 90 minutes without being under actual artillery barrage
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-23 15:50  

#8  Ref #2 and 3 above
Dark Brandon may well be the necessary debate strategy as the only one that can explain the drug-infused entity they have to put on display. Angry, demented old man, highly agitated, is all that the pharmacological brain trust can deliver these days. I suspect the 7 days at Camp David were not debate prep as much as the medical assessments and injections needed to deliver a simulacrom of man still aware of his surroundings, albeit for an hour or so.
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-23 14:07  

#7  I have a hint exactly how the debate will go.
'We do not intend to continue to address Netanyahu's political statements,' says senior US official
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-23 13:40  

#6  Their scam works only half-way acceptably if they are able to keep Joe on the agreed upon script. Trump doesn’t know the script and has no interest in their stupid script even if his team agreed to a script. Once Joe is off the script, he goes into the realm of decision-making. He can’t do that anymore. Once off script, Joe will need to regain his reference to get back on script. We have all seen video of how well Joe regains his reference. The moderator would have to be a genius conductor not to wreck this train. The opposition has selected Jake Tapper as their conductor.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 12:49  

#5  Re #2, Trump said Bidet will be juiced to the gills when the debate begins. Of course Bidet will come on strong until the drugs start to wear off. If they dose him too hard, he will come off like a meth addict who just hit the pipe.

Anyone who has seen that knows it wont be pretty.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-23 12:08  

#4  Use the money for select campaigns downballot and flood the zone with redpill ads.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-23 12:00  

#3  ^ Cuz Dark Brandon is soooo effective
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-23 10:08  

#2  Campaign Aide: Biden Plans Aggressive Debate Approach
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-23 09:20  

#1  In this election the money will prove to be only important to the vendors and in down ticket races. Biden will be unable to spend his way out of the voter impression that he is a senile, full-diapered puppet of incompetent and evil people who have ruined our economy, opened our border to rapist and murders and brought us to the brink of nuclear war. Trump doesn’t need to spend a dollar on advertising after the mug shot. He has enough cash for his rallies and for offices in Virginia, NJ and Minnesota. Biden is toast.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:08  
