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-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Johnson cancer cases surge across the globe: Docs reveal how to protect yourself, avoid amputation
[NYP] Penis cancer cases are rising around the world and are expected to surge a staggering 77% in the next 26 years, according to an alarming new investigation by BBC.

The British news outlet says cases in Germany increased by 50% between 1961 and 2012, while the UK has also seen a significant spike.

"Although developing countries still bear the higher incidence and mortality of penile cancer, the incidence is on the rise in most European countries," researchers from Sun Yat-Sen University in China declared, following a large-scale analysis involving the latest data from 43 countries.
Posted by:Besoeker

#4  I didn't go to the link but I'm guessing the best way to protect yourself and avoid amputation is to keep your little johnson out of places where he doesn't belong.
Posted by: Abu Uluque   2024-06-23 18:05  

#3  Coinciding with rising rates of colo/rectal cancer.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-06-23 13:13  

#2  But wait, there’s a vaccine for it.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:16  

#1  6,500 amputations in Brazil in a decade

No wonder they're angry.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-23 09:03  
