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US calls a possible scenario for the 'capture' of Taiwan by China
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Washington, June 22, 2024, 20:25 - IA Regnum. The Chinese military can isolate Taiwan, damage its economy and force it to submit to Beijing's will without even firing a single shot, according to a study by the American Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), cited by CNN.

In recent years, fears in Western countries that China will “invade” the island have intensified, the TV channel notes. CSIS experts named three options for establishing Chinese control over Taiwan: a force operation, a military blockade and the so-called “quarantine.” China's coast guard could use "grey zone" tactics to completely or partially cut off access to the island's ports, halting the supply of vital products and all economic activity in Taiwan.

The Chinese Coast Guard, the study said, has the power to stop and regulate shipping around the island, and such a method is not considered a blockade or an act of war. Moreover, this tactic is already used by the Chinese coast guard in the South China Sea. Thus, Chinese ships regularly deliberately collide with Philippine Navy boats, the document says.

At the same time, American experts added, if US warships or aircraft intervene in such an operation, which China can call law enforcement, it is the United States that will be considered as the initiator of military action.

The British edition of the Financial Times previously reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping, at a meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023, said that the United States was attempting to provoke China to invade Taiwan.

US President Joe Biden, in turn, in an interview with Time magazine, said that he does not exclude the use of the American Armed Forces to deploy them in Taiwan and in the waters, but noted that the decision will depend “on the circumstances.”

The US State Department on June 19 approved the possible sale of Switchblade-300 systems and related equipment to Taiwan for approximately $60.2 million. In addition, the sale of ALTIUS 600M-V drones was approved for $300 million. After this, China imposed sanctions against the American manufacturer of this equipment.

Posted by:badanov

#1  The State Dept is always doing helpful stuff to help our cause throughout the world.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:45  
