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-Great Cultural Revolution
More Georgia judge follies...
[Breitbart] A Georgia judge is claiming that her arrest at an Atlanta-area nightclub was a "setup" after she was caught on police body camera striking an officer in an altercation where she says she was only trying to help a woman who was being attacked.
Guess the perp's, uh, background. No peeking at the link.
Douglas County Probate Judge Christina Peterson was arrested at the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge in Buckhead shortly after 3:00 a.m. Thursday when police responded to a fight "between two separate parties," the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Buckhead used to be a nice place to go get drunk.
While Peterson was "not involved in the initial altercation," according to the arresting officer, he said he was "approached and struck with a closed fist by the accused, Christina Peterson."

"Ms. Peterson then forcibly pushed the officer in the chest and kept swiping his hands away as he attempted to assist the female being escorted out," the Atlanta Police Department said in a press release.

"Ms. Peterson pushed the officer in the chest again and that is when she was subsequently placed into custody."

The 38-year-old judge has since been charged with battery and felony obstruction, with body cam footage released by Atlanta Police Department (APD) showing her striking the cop and screaming "let her fucking go" as he attempts to break up the dispute.

Posted by:M. Murcek

#5  "I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their drunken behavior in upscale nightclubs but by the color of their skin."
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-23 13:10  

#4  She was just celebrating diversity.
Posted by: EMS Artifact   2024-06-23 09:36  

#3  ^ Nicely played
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-23 07:21  

#2  Two Georgians enjoying their curries
At lunch on the prison farm. Worries?
"No, boss, we got none!"
"Life is nothin' but fun!"
"Though we sho' wish we'd picked our own juries."

Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-23 04:15  


She is a Black Female Ga judge, she is triple immune from prosecution. 🫢

The Police Body Cam footage shows a mouthy, combative, privileged, tipsy barefoot judge in the Police car.

BTW: Her issued warning, "The last person that ever tried me like this died 30 days later!"
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-23 03:50  
