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-Lurid Crime Tales-
U.S. 'Mainstream' media's response to revelations in Nashville shooter's manifesto
[WND] The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred.
That’d be Audrey Hale, more fully Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 29, unhappy former student of the Covenant School and wannabe fake boy.
The fight over obtaining the murderer’s diary also received news attention. But when "nearly four dozen pages" of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. It turns out that behind the scenes, the FBI had fought hard against the diary’s release. Some Covenant School parents also opposed releasing the diary because it would force families to re-live the nightmare. The Tennessee Star’s parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary.

Five days after the release of the diary, with the exception of the New York Post, which is a national news outlet, the news coverage was limited to seven other conservative outlets such as The Daily Wire and Newsbusters.

The school murderer was transgender, and her diary reveals a suicidal left-winger who hated whites. The FBI expressed concern that the release of the diary from a transgender person could lead the public "to dismiss the attacker as mentally ill," which would "further permeate the false narrative that the majority of attackers are mentally ill." It worried that the diary could "potentially inflam[e] the public."

The FBI worried that releasing the diary could have "unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound." Self-professed "experts," the FBI fears, will "proffer their perspectives" in the press.

But there is a lot of important information in the diary. As is very typical of mass public shooters, the murderer was suicidal: "A terrible feeling to know I am nothing of the gender I was born of. I am the most unhappy boy alive. I wish to be dead." She was also on the anti-anxiety drug Buspirone, whose potential side effects include "abnormal dreams, outbursts of anger, tremors, and physical weakness."
Covenant School: 2024-06-17 Conservative media outlet faces contempt over publishing excerpts from Covenant killer's journal
Covenant School: 2024-06-16 Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak
Covenant School: 2024-06-08 Transgender Who Killed 6 at Nashville School Bought Guns with Federal Grant Money; local paper discusses her tormented journal
Audrey Elizabeth Hale 06/07/2024 Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Wrote 3 Pages in Journal About ‘My Imaginary Penis’
Audrey Elizabeth Hale 11/07/2023 Nashville authorities 'aware' of purported leak of Christian school shooter's manifesto
Audrey Elizabeth Hale 03/29/2023 NBC freelance reporter ripped for linking Nashville shooting to Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire

Posted by:Besoeker

#2  When was the last time that the FBI did something that made you glad that we had an FBI?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:44  

#1  The FBI worried that releasing the diary could have "unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound."

You mean like revealing true crime data not that omitted or manipulated? How do work to solve problems if you bury the truth.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-23 08:09  
