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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Bianca Censori 'signaling rebellion' after Kim Kardashian's support: Report
[GEO.TV] Bianca Censori is reportedly expressing her bold yet playful personality with new fashion statements.
Reading the NY Post, I've seen more of her T&A than I've seen of my wife's.
After making countless headlines for her explicit attires, Kanye West’s wife recently debuted a whole new pink hairstyle, which as per Psychologist Dr. Becky Spelman 'isn't a dye job but just temporary’ wig.
It's been like a daily diet of bobble boobs.
Sharing her analysis with the U.S. Sun, the skilled expert remarked, “This was a messy pink wig which signified a desire to stand out."
They're free to show acres of skin (but no nipples!) but they pixelate murder or accident scenes that in the 30s, 40s, or 50s, all the way through the 60s, never caused anyone to turn a hair except maybe to toss a few cookies. Pixelation saves us from the unpleasant (or the pleasant) just like ast*risks do in words. My fr** sp**ch f**ls oh, so violated.
"The statement symbolized a fresh start in Bianca's life. Psychologically, changing hair color to something as striking as pink can reflect a need for self-expression and individuality,” she added and pointed out, “This often correlates with non-conformist personality traits.”
Regarding Bianca, she's pretty enough and she's got a nice butt, and her boobs bobble oh, so nicely. But she's still young. Remember the Moms Mably joke, about the old woman who came to her and said she wanted to commit suicide but didn't know how. Moms told her to get a gun, put it an inch under her let breast and pull the trigger. So she want home and shot herself through the knee.
The doctor continued to present, "For Censori, such a transformation might be a way to carve out her identity separate from her partner and his influence and claimed that “Bianca is still navigating her high-profile relationship with Kanye West."
And she's doing it naked.
Later in the chat, she claimed that "Bianca's pink wig did not necessarily gel with her husband,” and this “suggested rebellion.”
"Whoa, babe! You got pink hair! But the carpet don't match the drapes!"
This comes after reports established that the Australian muse is seeking Kim Kardashian’s help to break free from her controversial husband.
"Enjoy the carpet while you got it!"
Kim Kardashian 02/01/2024 
Posted by:Fred

#1  This is the first time that I’ve seen a psychologist acting as a press agent. It sort of makes sense in this case. I think we’ll see more of that trend.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:41  
