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U.S. Naval Forces in the Indo-Pacific are considering playing a more “Direct Role” in Philippine Navy Resupply Missions to Outlying Islands
Posted by:Fred

#5  Only if they give back Corrigador, Clark. Subic Bay and set up a shuttle bus to the Onlong-a-Po Museum of Abandoned American Innocence and stage Carrier Qual, Bar-Top 2.0 competitions!
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-23 19:06  

#4  I was gonna say, it's possible that we have a more traditional and strategic role with the Phillipines, as opposed to the money laundering we're trying to provide with Ukraine.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-23 13:42  

#3  Well, compared to Ukraine, we do have some strategic interest in a presence in that part of the Pacific.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-23 12:12  

#2  Maybe we can help them by erecting a temporary pier in an area where the sea state will destroy it quickly.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-23 09:13  

#1  Wunderbar. Ukraine is not enough?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-23 01:02  
