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Hard to imagine strong economy in state torn by terrorism: PM Shehbaz
[GEO.TV] Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that the prevalence of terrorism in the country is a complicated matter and everyone has to play a role in ending this menace.

"A strong economy can not be imagined in an unstable state involved in terrorism," he said while addressing a meeting of the National Action Plan (NAP) Apex Committee on Saturday.

The premier chaired the meeting held for crucial decisions, including those concerning the security of Chinese workers in Pakistain.

The forum was attended by several high-ranking officials, including the Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir, federal ministers, chief ministers of the four provinces, and all inspector generals of police.

As the country reels from recurring incidents of terrorism, including attacks on Chinese nationals on Pak soil, the prime minister said that every institution, ministry, provincial government or agency needed to play an active role in dealing with this challenge.

The prevalence of terrorism was a complicated matter, PM Shehbaz said while calling for the implementation of state governance in order to deal with the challenge.

He said that "stability and the rule of law are necessary" for the sustainable development of the country. "The war against terrorism is the prime obligation of all state institutions. It is our joint responsibility to implement the state's governance with full force."

The prime minister said that he expected the provinces would fully play their part in this regard and end the menace of terrorism in the country.

He went on to say that our political and religious leadership must be completely clear in order to fight against terrorism.

He said that "it is Pakistain's own war" and the country should take this responsibility.

"Provincial governments cannot be absolved from their duties by putting the onus on armed forces to end terrorism. Laying responsibility on a single institution would be a blatant mistake."
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Posted by:Fred
