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Terror Networks
I Just Can't Believe it! /sarc
[Gateway Pundit] Chris Cuomo played video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.
Chris Cuomo??!?
The video aired on News Nation and shows a Saudi official plotting the attack in Washington DC.

This is the first time The Gateway Pundit has seen this video.

Chris Cuomo: There’s a story that’s out right now that you have not been smothered with today. The more I think about it, it has been eating at me all day about how blanked up this is. We all remember 9/11. I guess we remember. Maybe we don’t? Maybe we don’t. Maybe time does heal all wounds unless you were directly affected, like the families who are forever scarred and the families of the first responders, etc.

But this CBS video, well, it’s CBS just got a video that supports an allegation that was made in a lawsuit by the 9/11 families that it wasn’t just about Osama bin Laden, not just Al Qaeda. This guy is a Saudi official, and that the Saudi government was involved.

Now, is this the first time we’ve ever heard this? No, but we’ve never given a damn. That’s the part that just finally slapped me today as someone who supposedly cares about what happened that day because I lost so many people I knew and we would never forget, and all these things.

In the CBS video, Omar al-Bayoui,
… a typo? The Rantburg archives names him as Omar al-Bayoumi…
whom the FBI says was a Saudi operative. In the video al-Bayoui is seen casing the US Capitol in Washington DC, the likely target of the Flight 93 operation that was thwarted that day by American passengers and heroes.

The video was found by British police during a raid on Bayoumi’s UK apartment days after the 9-11 attacks.

The film is just being released now. Why is that? It’s been over 20 years since the horrific attacks!
Omar al-Bayoumi 04/16/2023 9/11 Hijackers Given Bank Accounts, California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA' – FBI Investigator
Omar al-Bayoumi 05/13/2020 FBI 'mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomatic official linked' to 9/11 attackers
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Omar al-Bayoumi 04/16/2023 9/11 Hijackers Given Bank Accounts, California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA' – FBI Investigator
Omar al-Bayoumi 05/13/2020 FBI 'mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomatic official linked' to 9/11 attackers
Omar al-Bayoumi 10/12/2006 (Another) Saudi-Osama Connection

Omar al-Bayoumi 04/16/2023 9/11 Hijackers Given Bank Accounts, California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA' – FBI Investigator
Omar al-Bayoumi 05/13/2020 FBI 'mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomatic official linked' to 9/11 attackers
Omar al-Bayoumi 10/12/2006 (Another) Saudi-Osama Connection

Omar al-Bayoumi 04/16/2023 9/11 Hijackers Given Bank Accounts, California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA' – FBI Investigator
Omar al-Bayoumi 05/13/2020 FBI 'mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomatic official linked' to 9/11 attackers
Omar al-Bayoumi 10/12/2006 (Another) Saudi-Osama Connection

Omar al-Bayoumi 04/16/2023 9/11 Hijackers Given Bank Accounts, California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA' – FBI Investigator
Omar al-Bayoumi 05/13/2020 FBI 'mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomatic official linked' to 9/11 attackers
Omar al-Bayoumi 10/12/2006 (Another) Saudi-Osama Connection

Posted by:Mercutio & Frank G

#5  ^ "It's dead, Jim."
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-06-23 13:28  

#4  Trying to kill Abraham Accords?
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-23 10:13  

#3  Prepping for a false flag? Biden isn't doing too well in the polls.
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Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-23 09:10  

#1  Squirel?
Posted by: Bobby   2024-06-23 09:04  
