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Great White North
Quebec revolution summer camp continues despite public outcry, McGill legal actions
[JPost] A revolution summer camp hosted by the anti-Israel protest encampment at McGill University in Montreal is set to continue despite public outcry and moves by the university administration to ostracize and punish the organizers.

Organizers Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) McGill, who drew outrage over their promotional image of keffiyeh-garbed men reading while armed with light machine guns and rifles, announced on Tuesday that the “Youth Summer Program has launched!”

“In the absence of an institution which fosters collectivism, popular education, and culture, this summer camp seeks to provide a space that represents the history, the culture, and revolutionary potential of the Palestinian cause,” SPHR McGill and Concordia said on Instagram on Tuesday. “Born out of the McGill Solidarity Encampment, at the heart of an elitist institution which has deliberately erased Palestinian nationhood and identity from its curriculums, this program re-grounds us in narratives of history and culture that center resistance as the essence of our struggle.”

The first week of the camp focuses on the history of “Palestinian resistance” with different speakers each day, “offered by students, community members, and faculty.” Subsequent weeks will cover the “ongoing Nakba,” “Different fronts of the movement,” and “Media after October 7.”

McGill president and vice-chancellor Deep Saini responded to the initial June 12 notice by SPHR and the international media attention by issuing on Friday several strong measures to excommunicate the organization.

In addition to seeking to increase campus security, the university was seeking legal action to prevent SPHR from using the McGill name and is pursuing disciplinary action. It also sought to ostracize the group by calling on the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) to sever its relationship and funding of the group and to publicly condemn the summer program.

Failure to do so would be seen as an endorsement of SPHR. By Tuesday, SSMU had not appeared to publicly denounce the program. SSMU had issued a June 8 statement condemning the McGill administration for allowing police to remove activists, including from SPHR, who had occupied the James Administration building on June 6.
If the URL does not work, MSN has the article here.
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Posted by:Skidmark
