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Good Morning

Judge orders railway company to pay Native
American tribe astonishing sum for 'trespassing' on land
Wednesday 06/19/2024

Five killed in IDF attack in Rafah - Palestinian report
'No home without a tunnel,' says Nahal Brigade commander
Three teens arrested in France
on suspicion of raping 12-year-old Jewish girl
Caribbean-Latin America
Recently elected Mexico mayor is
shot dead in the head inside bus by his assassins
Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Already this summer, IS will carry
out a terrorist attack in Central Asia
Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The defense intends to appeal the
extension of arrest of Nadezhda Kevorkova
Trans woman, 28, on the run after woman
and man were found shot dead in a Washington City home

Posted by:Fred

#2  ^ If it's makeup, and they're still alive

/Pro Tip
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-19 18:17  

#1  I always knew that green girls were hot.
Posted by: alanc   2024-06-19 17:49  
