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-Great Cultural Revolution
Maryland governor pardons more than 175,000 marijuana convictions, the largest in US history
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] …to give criminals 'a fresh start'

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has pardoned more than 175,000 marijuana convictions - the largest in the United States - in an effort to give convicts 'a fresh start.'

The Democrat declared the move the 'most sweeping state-level pardon in any state,' and said it will help reverse harms caused by the War on Drugs as he signed the order on Monday.

It will include more than 150,000 misdemeanor convictions for simple possession and more than 18,000 misdemeanor convictions for use or possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia, the governor's office says.

Some individuals may even have more than one conviction pardoned under the order.

'We are taking actions that are intentional, that are sweeping and unapologetic, and this is the largest such action in our nation's history,' Moore said at a news conference.
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Posted by:Skidmark

#2  They should start calling him Governor Toke.

Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-18 18:49  

#1  I guess he could have said, “Smoke em if you got em.”
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 13:40  
