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-Great Cultural Revolution
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson announces reparations task force, blasts 'systemic racism' in Juneteenth speech
[FoxNews] The task force will develop a framework for reparations, seeking improved housing, education, jobs, and criminal justice.

The City Council’s Black Caucus will also participate in the task force hearings and recommendations.

Alderman Nick Sposato, a critic of Johnson, told Fox Chicago the planned $500,000 to fund the task force could be better spent elsewhere.

"It's too divisive, it's going to divide us even more," Sposato said. "I don't know what the fairness about it would be. Maybe the report will say it's unnecessary, but I highly doubt that."

Reparations has been a thorny subject as some cities have tried to create a pathway for the descendants of Black slaves to collect compensation for the free labor of their ancestors.

During his speech, Johnson said Chicago still bears the scars of "systemic racism and injustices that have been inflicted on our communities."

"We've seen them in highways that cut through Black neighborhoods and the industries that, of course, flock to these neighborhoods and often contribute to increased pollution and poor health outcomes," he said.

"The disinvestment in our community has been intentional," he added.

He also cited the mismanagement by previous mayors and the closing of schools and anti-Black and anti-business policies. Chicago has long been a Democratic stronghold; it last elected a Republican as mayor in 1927, when William H. Thompson served until 1931.

Posted by:Skidmark

#7  Chicago was a big employment draw after the civil war. Lots of former slaves chose to move to Illinois.
Posted by: Bobby   2024-06-18 11:47  

#6  For a moment I thought the Johnson referenced two comments above was the house speaker.

Sad that such a thought should seem plausible.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-18 11:24  

#5  Hizzoner can always dip into the city's budget surplus to pay the reparations.

Oh, wait...
Posted by: Raj   2024-06-18 10:39  

#4  Johnson Will Ensure DNC Doesn't Show Crime, He's Keeping [ShotSpotter] Program to Protect DNC
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 10:39  

#3  Unless the task force is volunteering their time, this is a set of nested Russian shakedown dolls.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 08:58  

#2  They've sure got "institutionalized" property taxes, I know that. Sr. owned modest 3 bedroom newer home on qtr acre w/basement on McKinzie St. Washington, Illinois just under $10,000. Per year in property taxes.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 08:14  

#1  Illinois was always a Free State. The pre-Consitutional Article of Confederation's Northwest Ordnance stipulated no slavery in the territories. During the American Civil War (1861-1865), according to statisticians Phisterer (1883), Fox (1889) and Dyer (1908), 259,092 Illinois men served in the Union Army and as a result the state suffered 34,834 killed and several thousands more wounded.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 08:00  
