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Government Corruption
White House makes wrong claims while accusing Post of misreporting Biden videos
[NYPOST] The White House went on the offensive against The Post Monday for calling out President Biden’s frailty in a series of recent videos — only to make false statements of their own in the process.
"Who y'gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes?"
Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accused The Post of spreading "misinformation" about videos of the 81-year-old president at recent events with G7 world leaders and former President Barack Obama
I am the change that you seek...
."Lies! All lies!"
Those events included a Thursday video of Biden being corralled by Italian PM Georgia Meloni after a skydiving demonstration and former President Barack Obama escorting his former VP off the stage at a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser Saturday night.
Both of which appeared on Fox News, so you know they're phoney, right?
Jean-Pierre called the clips "cheap fakes", meaning to claim they were altered by humans through techniques such as zooming in and leaving out context — but also incorrectly called them "deepfakes," referring to AI-created footage with altered subjects and audio.
I'm sure she never said such a thing. The future MSNBC hostess would never lie to us!
"I think you all have called this the ’cheap fakes’ video and that’s exactly what they are, they are cheap fakes video [sic], and they are done in bad faith," the press secretary said at her regular briefing.
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Posted by:Fred

#6  People will begin to have Siri play Joe Biden’s speeches backwards looking for messages. The Freeze Tag will become a drinking game.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 13:20  

#5  Is this gibberish fake?
Posted by: Beavis   2024-06-18 11:10  

#4  The Cajun Skeletor is saying it's Trump who won't make the debate. I suppose he figures Trump will be in jail.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-18 09:29  

#3  He's done, finished, TOAST! The KJP "don't believe your lying eyes" segment was telling. There won't be a presidential debate. There won't be any Biden second term.

This feckless, bore brush headed, rug munching creature's last day as WH spokesperson will be most welcomed and widely celebrated.

Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 09:23  

#2  Doctors reveal condition that could be behind Biden's bizarre 'freezing' episodes... after 81-year-old has second statue moment in one week
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 09:01  

#1  The Americans are not at the airport.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 08:50  
