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-Great Cultural Revolution
Secret Service confirms agent was robbed at gunpoint during Biden's California trip
What a F'n embarrassment: SS and Newsome
[10News] A United States Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend in California and fired his gun during the incident, according to local and federal law enforcement agencies.

The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday near a residential community in Orange County as the agent was returning from a work assignment. The agent had his bag stolen at gunpoint, according to a release from the Tustin Police Department.
Did the bag contain government documents and such, or just his dirty laundry? What’s the penalty for letting government documents and such be forcefully taken from one’s possession?
During the incident, the agent fired his government-issued weapon, the United States Secret Service said.

The police department and Secret Service both said in separate statements they do not know if the suspect was injured as a result of the incident.

The Secret Service agent’s identity is not revealed in the press release.

President Joe Biden was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser event at the Peacock Theater on Saturday evening. The president returned to his Los Angeles hotel shortly before 9 p.m.

The suspect left the scene in a silver car and has not been located, though some of the Secret Service agent’s belongings were recovered.

In an exclusive statement to Scripps News, Anthony Guglielmi, the director of communications for the U.S. Secret Service said, "We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries."

Full statement from the United States Secret Service:

A member of the U.S. Secret Service was the victim of an armed robbery in Tustin, California late Saturday when returning from a work assignment. The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck. We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries.

This remains an open and active criminal investigation and any additional comments must come from the primary investigative agency which is the Tustin Police Department. Anyone with additional information about the incident is encouraged to call the Tustin Police Department Detective Melendrez at 714-573-3372

— Secret Service director of communications Anthony Guglielmi

The Tustin Police Department says the investigation is open and active.
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Posted by:Frank G

#11  Did FJB have enough time to get to the scene of the crime from his hotel??
Posted by: Elmaper+McGurque1612   2024-06-18 18:56  

#10  "...unknown if the assailants were struck."

So the shooting investigation could not determine if assailants were struck and apparently no rounds were recovered nor blood evidence discovered. Wow, obviously the investigative scrutiny was exercised by the same USSS crack investigative crime scene team that could not determine the precise location, donor or intended recipient of the cocaine baggie when it was discovered at the White House? What a testament to the crime-fighting skills and marksmanship training of the modern, DEI Secret Service!
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-18 18:07  

#9  @ #6 - I grew up in Orange (Tustin Adjacent). There are certainly some sketchy places in OC and increased gang/drug activity. The location of this incident is not one of them. Home values well north of 1 mil. Armed robbery like this is rare in this area. I'd bet there's more to this story. Only 2 streets provide access to a 150 home sub-division. The notion that an UNSUB was just randomly waiting for a USSS agent to arrive at 9:30 at night to commit a robbery?? Not likely IMHO. More likely - agent covering up losing the bag.
Posted by: Bangkok Billy   2024-06-18 17:55  

#8  Not all is as they would have you believe with the SS.

Secret Service destroyed video of Biden's dog Commander biting agent in brutal attack
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 13:28  

#7  Stole Obama's Biden control console.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 13:13  

#6  Some of the Orange County cities have seen, over the past year or so, growth of more sophisticated drug gangs.
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-18 12:13  

#5  Well, looks like the checks got distributed, even if awkwardly.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-06-18 09:04  

#4  Probably would have been helpful to get the license plate number off the silver car.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 08:49  

#3  Yes, but did he crap in the street? That's the total California thing.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-18 08:41  

#2  Notice there is no description of the perp. Appears to have been no attempt to actually hit the perp. Scare him off, reduce the paperwork.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 08:01  

#1  Sounds like less DEI trainings and more range time might be the answer.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-18 07:56  
