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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 17, 2024
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Worth noting, has compiled its Invasion of Ukraine series into separate months, beginning May 9th, 2023. Linked in the title.

22:24 The peace summit in Switzerland brought together representatives of more than 90 countries, and the final communiqué calling for nuclear, food security and the return of all prisoners of war and abducted children was signed by 78 states. Approximately half of the summit participants represented the Western world, the rest from the so-called Global South. More details about the results of the summit can be found in the material Everyone has their own world .

22:06 Former United Russia deputy from Chuvashia Vladimir Dmitriev died in the war in Ukraine, local telegram channels report. At first, Dmitriev was involved in collecting humanitarian aid, and then he volunteered for war. According to public reports, he was slightly wounded and taken to the hospital, which was later allegedly attacked by a drone.

21:44 The number of victims as a result of today's attack on the Poltava region has increased to 22, of which three are children, said the head of the OVA, Philip Pronin.

20:49 The Russian army fired mortars at Kherson, one death is known, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin.

20:45 The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation admitted that Ukraine shot down a Russian A-50 AWACS aircraft on February 23, 2024. In particular, a “preventive measure” was chosen for Ukrainian Colonel Nikolai Dzyaman because he allegedly gave the order to destroy the long-range radar detection and control aircraft.

20:27 Stoltenberg said that there is no consensus yet on the issue of Ukraine’s membership in NATO: “Ukraine will become a member of NATO when we have a consensus. A majority vote is not enough, we must make decisions unanimously... In due time, Ukraine must become a member of NATO without delay." At the same time, the Secretary General added that this “requires a complete end to the conflict.” “We must be sure that the conflict is over and not paused,” he explained.

20:18 The Ecumenical Patriarchate joined the joint communique following the Peace Summit in Switzerland, said press secretary of the President of Ukraine Sergei Nikiforov.

19:36 The number of victims as a result of today's strike in the Poltava region has increased to 16 people, including two children, the prosecutor's office reported. Six people were hospitalized. According to preliminary data, the enemy hit civilian infrastructure with an X-59 cruise missile. Several multi-storey buildings, a kindergarten and power lines were damaged.

19:19 Zelensky said in an evening video message that he held a meeting on the results of the Peace Summit and the preparation of the next steps: “There are no pauses now. In fact, there is already a preliminary work schedule for the summer months. We will not slow down the pace. We will maintain communication with partners as such as active as before. Ukraine never wanted this war and, naturally, it strives more than anyone for a just peace. And we see that this is possible.”

The president also said based on the results of the military reports that the Defense Forces are managing to “gradually oust the occupier from the Kharkov region.”

19:07 The German defense concern Rheinmetall plans to produce hybrids of Leopard tanks and Skyranger air defense tanks at a plant in Ukraine, Bild writes, citing a company representative. According to him, the enterprise has a lot of Leopard 1 tanks, on the chassis of which it is possible to install Skyranger turrets with a 35-mm cannon. Now the plant in western Ukraine is mainly engaged in repairing Leopard 1 tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles destroyed during battles, but soon they will repair Leopard 2 and tanks from other countries transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

19:01 The Russians shelled Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, three people were wounded, said the head of the OVA Sergei Lysak. Food and industrial enterprises, 12 private houses, and power lines were damaged.

18:56 Zelensky said that immediately upon returning to Ukraine he held the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Heard reports on the situation in all directions and at the borders, the implementation of domestic contracts and the receipt of assistance under defense packages announced by partners, as well as reports from the heads of all components of the Defense Forces.

A detailed report was presented by the commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces, Vadim Sukharevsky - he reported on all types of drones and all types of tasks. "The area is actively developing - the number of not only produced, but also successfully used drones is growing. Ukraine is leading technological progress in this area. Last week, during negotiations with other leaders, we felt great interest in our experience. After victory, it will become a high-tech part of Ukrainian exports" , - the president noted.

18:45 On Tuesday, June 18, hourly power outage schedules will be applied throughout Ukraine throughout the day, from 00:00 to 24:00, Ukrenergo reported.

18:37 Through the Reserve+ mobile application, 1.5 million Ukrainians have already updated their data, including 210 thousand women liable for military service, the Ministry of Defense reported. At the same time, more than 233 thousand people updated their data through CNAP, and 208 thousand through TCC.

18:28 The number of victims as a result of today's attack on the Poltava region has increased to 12 people, including two children. Three people were hospitalized, said the head of the OVA, Philip Pronin. He also said that a man, wounded as a result of an enemy attack in the Mirgorod region on June 10, died in the hospital.

17:59 According to confirmed data alone, the Russian military during a full-scale invasion killed more than 12 thousand Ukrainian civilians, including 551 children, said Prosecutor General Andrei Kostin. Law enforcement officers also documented about 130 thousand cases of war crimes committed by the Russian military, including 301 cases of sexual violence. The actual numbers may be significantly higher.

17:26 German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock warned of serious consequences for Germany and NATO if they do not support Ukraine: “If we do not continue to support Ukraine, we risk facing the fact that Putin’s troops will stand on the border with Poland. War is coming soon will be on the territory of the EU and NATO."

16:50 The EU Council has created a commission to combat corruption and theft of Western aid to Ukraine. According to the decree, it will operate until June 30, 2028 and be based in Brussels. At the same time, a subsidiary body will be located in Kyiv.

16:29 Over the course of a month and a half, the defense forces hit about 15 enemy air defense systems in Crimea, the Ukrainian Armed Forces StratCom reported. In particular, we are talking about air defense divisions in the S-300, S-350, S-400 modifications. Dozens of launchers of these systems, more than 15 radar stations, and more than ten control points were destroyed.

15:57 In the Poltava region, as a result of today’s Russian attack, power lines were damaged, 53 thousand household and 2.4 thousand legal consumers were de-energized, said the head of the OVA, Philip Pronin.

15:25 The Russians hit civilian infrastructure in the Poltava region, said the head of the OVA, Philip Pronin. Nine people are known to be injured, and several high-rise buildings were damaged.

14:34 One of the new modifications of the Magura unmanned sea platform already has on board R-73 - Soviet-made air-to-air missiles with an infrared homing system, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reported. Magura maritime strike drones equipped with such missiles have already been used in combat operations in the Black Sea, and this has become “a serious factor of fear and risk for Russian aviation,” the intelligence agency added.

14:11 Putin will pay a state visit to the DPRK on June 18-19, and after that he will go to Vietnam, the Kremlin said.

13:43 The first Ukrainian F-16 pilots will complete training in France in September, writes Le Monde. It was decided to reduce the training period for them from one and a half years to six months. In total, France intends to train 26 Ukrainian pilots in two years.

13:18 Latvia has already sent the first batch of drones to Ukraine and is preparing a second, said Defense Minister Andris Spruds. "Latvia announced a plan and commitment to contribute 20 million euros this year. However, if we count those countries that have already made commitments, this is more than 500 million euros, more precisely, 549 million euros have already been promised by the participating countries, partners within the framework drone coalition, the next step is to use this funding effectively, and we're doing that on multiple levels," he added.

12:41 The newly elected head of the Bundestag Defense Committee Markus Faber visited the Donetsk and Kharkov regions to personally find out the current needs and problems of the Ukrainian military, said MP, head of the permanent delegation of Ukraine to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Egor Chernev. According to him, this is Faber's first trip abroad in his new position, although according to tradition, newly elected heads of the defense committee make their first visit to a neighboring country. During Faber’s visit, a German Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled gun destroyed a Russian howitzer along with its ammunition, Chernev added.

12:25 The Russians almost no longer use the Crimean Bridge for military logistics, so its destruction now would have “the wrong effect,” Navy spokesman Dmitry Pletenchuk said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine: “Less than a quarter of the total load is carried by this bridge. The rest goes along the ferry crossing, which was recently attacked. Therefore, this bridge no longer has such tactical and strategic importance after the damage it received as a result of the joint operation of the SBU and the Navy with a drone attack.”

12:19 Syrsky said that he has been working on the Eastern Front for almost a week in parts of different groups that hold the defense in the most critical sectors of the front. In the Kupyansky, Pokrovsky, Kurakhovsky, and Vremevsky directions, the enemy is carrying out active offensive actions of varying intensity. The Russian Army is focusing its main efforts on the Pokrovsky direction, where the overwhelming number of enemy strike brigades and regiments are concentrated. There are fierce battles in the areas of Glubokoye, Chasov Yar, Staromayorsk, Rabotino, Krynoki and the islands in the coastal part of the left bank of the Dnieper.

“The enemy understands perfectly well that as a result of the gradual receipt of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from our partners, the arrival of the first F-16s, which will strengthen the air defense, time will play in our favor, and his chances of success will decrease. Therefore, the command of the Russian troops is making efforts “all efforts are made to increase the intensity and expand the geography of combat operations in order to maximize the depletion of our troops, disrupt the preparation of reserves, and prevent the transition to active offensive actions,” the commander-in-chief said.

11:58 The Swiss Foreign Ministry explained that Iraq and Jordan did not sign the declaration following the Peace Summit, and they were added to the list due to a “coordination problem.” Thus, 78 out of 92 countries signed the communiqué.

11:30 As a result of a night UAV attack in one of the workshops of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, a pipeline was damaged, the opposition Russian publication Astra reports, citing sources. According to them, two drones shot down in Lipetsk fell on the territory of NLMK, there were no casualties.

10:46 The government is preparing a decision to reduce the duration of power outages, said Advisor to the Prime Minister on Energy Issues Yuriy Boyko. According to him, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to significantly reduce the list of consumers who are not disconnected from electricity, which will reduce the duration of outages for others.

10:34 On the night of June 17, GUR drones attacked military targets in three regions of the Russian Federation - Belgorod, Voronezh and Lipetsk, Ukrainian media write, citing sources in the special services. In particular, the target was the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the local tractor plant.

10:28 In the morning, the Russian military attacked a car with a kamikaze drone in Osokorovka, Kherson region, one person was killed, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin.

10:02 During the Peace Summit in Switzerland, 39 countries discussed behind closed doors the return of Ukrainians kidnapped by the Russians, said Ombudsman Dmitry Lubinets. According to him, Ukraine unexpectedly received offers of assistance even from those states that are considered loyal to Moscow: “Unexpectedly, some countries that traditionally have good relations with the Russian Federation announced for the first time that they are ready to offer their channels of communication with the Russian side. I do not I can name these countries for now, but I will frankly say that we did not expect such positions from such countries.”

09:49 NSDC Secretary Alexander Litvinenko, in an interview with the Times, did not rule out that Russia could use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine if its army begins to suffer defeat: “We cannot rule out anything if Russia is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat.” At the same time, he clarified that we are talking about a hypothetical collapse of the front and protests in Moscow. But even then, the use of nuclear weapons is not guaranteed because the Kremlin can convince the Russian population that this is a “victory,” Litvinenko added.

09:13 At night, the Russians attacked a children's camp in the Kiev district of Kharkov with KABs - one of the buildings was damaged, no people were injured, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA.

08:32 In the Kherson region over the past 24 hours, two people were injured as a result of Russian shelling, said the head of the OBA, Alexander Prokudin. Seven private houses, a critical infrastructure facility, and a gas pipeline were damaged.

07:51 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of June 17:

personnel - about 527,390 (+1080) people,
tanks - 7958 (+2),
armored combat vehicles - 15,287 (+18),
artillery systems - 13,927 (+14),
MLRS - 1104 (+0),
air defense systems - 853 (+0),
aircraft - 359 (+0),
helicopters - 326 (+0),
Operational-tactical level UAV - 11,167 (+8),
cruise missiles - 2296 (+0),
ships/boats - 28 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 18,991 (+24),
special equipment - 2337 (+12).
07:26 Residents of Russian Lipetsk wrote at night about explosions and smoke above the tractor plant, as well as about the attack on the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. Governor of the Lipetsk region Igor Artamonov said that several UAVs were suppressed “over the industrial territory” of Lipetsk, but there were no casualties. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the destruction of six UAVs over the Belgorod, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions.

06:37 NATO members are negotiating to deploy more nuclear weapons due to the growing threat from Russia and China, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said. He added that the bloc needed to show the world its nuclear arsenal to send a direct message to its enemies: "I won't go into operational detail about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these questions. That's exactly what we do."

02:22 Canada has allocated a new aid package to Ukraine in the amount of 52.4 million Canadian dollars (about 38.1 million US dollars), Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. The funds will be used to address a number of social needs in Ukraine - in particular, supporting vulnerable children and youth at risk, reintegrating displaced children returning to Ukraine from Russia, improving access to justice for victims of war crimes, supporting male survivors of sexual violence during wars, etc. Also, the Government of Canada is investing 20 million Canadian dollars (14.5 million US dollars) in restoring damaged energy equipment and infrastructure.

01:23 Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signatures from the Peace Summit communiqué. The updated list of signatories is presented on the website of the Swiss Foreign Ministry - now there are 78 countries, not 80. The reason for the withdrawal of signatures is not reported. Among the countries that have not signed the declaration, in addition to Iraq and Jordan, are Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, the Vatican, India, Indonesia, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and South Africa.

Posted by:badanov
