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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Three clashes continue in the Volchansk region
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

The number of clashes since the beginning of the day has increased to 89
A total of nine enemy attacks were recorded today near Volchansk and Liptsy, the General Staff reported.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published operational information about the Russian invasion as of 19.00 Monday, June 17.

It is reported that most of the fighting at this time of day occurred in the Pokrovsky direction. The number of clashes along the entire front line increased to 89.

“Three military clashes continue in the Kharkov direction in the Volchansk region. A total of nine enemy attacks were recorded here and near Liptsy today. According to preliminary information, the invaders lost 111 manpower today. Our military also destroyed a tank, an armored combat vehicle and 23 enemy UAVs,” - the summary says.

As the General Staff notes, the situation in the Pokrovsky direction remains tense.

"Since the beginning of the day, there have already been 37 clashes here. The Ukrainian defense forces have successfully repelled 22 assault actions of the Russian invaders. Another 15 battles continue. The situation is under control. The enemy is suffering significant losses, especially in manpower - currently 290 dead and wounded invaders are known The counting continues,” the General Staff said.

It is also reported that five times during this day the Russian invaders tried to attack Ukrainian positions in the Vremev direction. Fighting continues near Staromayorskoye, Vodyanoye and Urozhaynoye.

In other directions - without any significant changes.

Let us remind you that during the day on June 16, about 1,100 enemy soldiers were destroyed at the front. Russia's total combat losses in Ukraine since February 24, 2022 are approaching 530 thousand people.

Posted by:badanov
