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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: June 17 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFront] 23:57 Official summary of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC from 00:00 06/17/2024 to 00:00 06/18/2024.

A total of 15 facts of armed attacks by the UFU were recorded by the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC over the past 24 hours.

Four civilians were reported injured.

One residential building
Two civil infrastructure facilities.

A total of 15 artillery attacks in the Donetsk direction.
A total of 33 units of various ammunition were fired.

21:02 The Ukrainian Armed Forces have pulled up reserves to Volchansk and Liptsy and are conducting unsuccessful counterattacks, said the head of the military-civil administration of the Khar'kov region Vitaly Ganchev

19:55 Soldiers of the North group of troops destroyed in the Khar'kov direction, a mobile airspace surveillance radar and an AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar station made in the USA.

19:44 Artillerymen of the “Southern” group of forces destroyed command observation post and armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Seversky direction.

The crew of the 122mm 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount fired from a closed firing position. Fire adjustments and control of hitting targets were carried out by unmanned aircraft crews.

19:27 The crew of the T-90A tank of the West group of forces destroyed the control center of the UAV of the Ukrainian Armed Forces -video.

18:57 Battle in Chasov Yar: fierce battles for every house.

The fighting in this Donbass town is not easy, but Russian troops are still making progress, writes the TG channel “Donbass Decides”. First of all, in the “Novy” microdistrict near the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal. According to military analysts, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not hold out there for long - they have only one route left for supplying and rotating units;

The non-standard landscape makes it impossible to get around the city. Plus – a large number of minefields;

The offensive in the city is being led by Russian paratroopers from the 98th Airborne Division; to the north, the 200th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade is breaking through the Ukrainian defense;

The Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred part of the national battalions from near Chasy Yar to Volchansk, and in return they brought here a large number of reserve units - 41, 30, 24 Mechanized, 225 and 425 Separate Assault brigades, separate companies and battalions of attack UAVs.

17:50 Russian attack aircraft reached the eastern outskirts of the village of Peschanoye (Kharkiv region).

It is also reported that several Ukrainian militants from the 110th Territorial Defense Brigade (Zaporozhye region) were captured.

17:27 Explosions were heard in the city of Kherson, controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. This was announced by the head of the local administration, Roman Mrochko.

16:58 Fighters from the Vostok group struck a moving vehicle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, destroying the car and everyone who was unlucky enough to be inside -video.

15:54 Tankers of the “Center” group of troops smash strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Avdeevsky direction.

The crew of the T-72B3 tank, using the terrain and dense vegetation, moved to a firing position. The gunner-operator aimed the combat vehicle's cannon and destroyed the target with a series of shots.

14:55 “War chronicle” reports that another missile strike was carried out on the Mirgorod airfield.

Over the past few weeks, attacks on this facility, which serves as a landing airfield, have been carried out almost daily.

14:50 Over Donetsk, Makeevka, Avdievka and Gorlovka in a week intercepted 186 Ukrainian drones, the DPR defense headquarters reported.

14:10 Ukrainian monitoring channels report explosions in Poltava.

13:55 Russian troops were able to come close to the Razdolovka railway station in the village of the same name in the Seversky direction.

13:47 The number of injured civilians in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk due to artillery attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces has increased to four, Pushilin said.

13:20 Soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces were able to make significant progress in the center of Krasnogorovka along Konotopskaya Street.

13:15 The main thing from the new briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

The “North” group defeated five brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within 24 hours, their losses amounted to up to 300 military personnel;

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 405 military personnel in the zone of responsibility of the “West” group;

The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of responsibility lost up to 150 people and two ammunition depots;

Units of the “Center” group improved their tactical position within 24 hours and repelled four counterattacks; the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 335 military personnel;

The Russian Armed Forces hit the personnel and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 110 regions.

13:00 Started fights for Vozdvizhenka, reported the Telegram channel “Military Chronicle”.

This village northwest of Novoaleksandrovka is the last one on the way of Russian troops to the junction on the T-0504 highway between Pokrovsk and Konstantinovka. When this section of the highway is cut, supplying the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in Chasovoy Yar will become significantly more difficult.

12:58 Units of the Dnepr group of troopsapplieddefeat of the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 23rd Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 103rd and 121st Territorial Defense brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Vysshetarasovka, Pokrovskoye, Osokorovka and Nikopol.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 90 military personnel, two vehicles, a 155mm self-propelled artillery mount "Crab", a 152mm D-20 gun, two 122mm D-30 howitzers and an 85mm D-44 cannon.

11:56 In the Kherson direction, units of the Russian Armed Forcesworked outby a hidden mortar crew of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

11:24 Consequences of the AFU attack in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk 06/17/2024 –video.

10:49 Avdeevsky direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Novoaleksandrovka and near Arkhangelskoyesituationas of June 17, 2024:

The advance of the Russian Armed Forces was recorded in several areas at once.

In the Arkhangelsk region, advanced detachments of attack aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces bypassed several enemy strongholds and advanced to the west of Kalinovo. To the southeast, Russian troops are advancing, relying on the controlled Keramik.

Kalinovo itself is a well-equipped fortified area of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the capture of which will make it possible to tighten the flank at the Novobakhmutovka-Novokalinovo line and prepare for the potential encirclement of enemy forces in New York and Toretsk.

In Novoaleksandrovka, fighting is taking place in the center and southeast of the settlement, where, as a result of a series of local offensive actions, control was expanded in the direction of Lozovatsky.

Northwest of Novoaleksandrovka is Vozdvizhenka, the last village on the way of Russian troops to the T-0504 highway connecting Konstantinovka and Pokrovsk. Cutting this highway will significantly complicate the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in the Bakhmut direction.

To the south, units of the Russian Armed Forces have established a foothold on the eastern outskirts of Sokol, but they have not yet been able to advance further due to the active work of artillery and a significant number of drones used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which strike even single targets.

At the same time, in the Novoselovka First area, Russian troops are successfully conducting an offensive along the Ocheretin gully and from the side of the O0542 highway coming from Semenovka.

09:54 Fighters of the Dnepr group discovered armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Berislavsky region during aerial reconnaissance.

The enemy was trying to transport soldiers for rotation. As a result, armored vehicles and camouflaged positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed, and enemy losses amounted to more than ten people.

09:35 Grouping of troops “Center” continues to fulfill combat missions in the zone of a special military operation.

In total, during the day, fire damage was caused to 350 identified enemy targets, including 19 temporary deployment points, 17 strong points, and more than 90 field artillery positions. During the counter-battery fight, five 122mm D-30 howitzers, three 152mm Msta-B howitzers and four 120mm mortars were hit.

The enemy lost up to 370 troops. Two infantry fighting vehicles, a Humvee and a Max-Pro armored fighting vehicle, two vehicles, and an unmanned aircraft control center were destroyed.

Two unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems.

08:17 Destroying Bradleys and MRAPs using FPV drones.

On video our kamikaze drone hit the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle of Ukrainian militants. After a powerful explosion, the car drives a few more meters, then stops dead in its tracks.

08:15 Summary for the morning of June 17, 2024:

In the Khar'kov direction, intense fighting is taking place in Volchansk and near the Volchansky farms. During the day, the enemy attacked the positions of our troops from the village 15 times. Quiet, trying to transfer reinforcements from the south across the Volchya River.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces use high-precision aerial bombs, introduce reserves for attack operations, but, despite the losses, they are not successful. North of the village Liptsy near the village They are also trying to attack the deep Ukrainian Armed Forces with the support of Western armored vehicles.

The line of combat contact without significant changes. According to the estimates of our troops from the field, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is waiting for an opportune moment to bring a strike group of its troops into battle, but so far cannot find a weak point in the defense of the Russian Armed Forces.

From the Svatovo-Kupyansky direction they report an expansion of the zone of control and the occupation of important enemy strongholds west of Ivanovka and Kotlyarka.

Heavy fighting continues in the eastern part of Chasov Yar, and the zone of control of the Russian Armed Forces from Bogdanovka is expanding. Aviation is actively being used to strike positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing north of the Ocheretinsky salient from Arkhangelsk to Novoaleksandrovka. There are battles near Sokol, Novopokrovsky, north of Umansky and Yasnoborodovka.

In the South Donetsk direction, the assault on Krasnogorovka continues, the southern part of which is controlled by the Russian Armed Forces. They report the capture of Georgievka after several months of fighting, and clashes near Paraskovievka.

About 20 km northeast of Rabotino, the Russian Army took up positions north of the Mirnoye-Zagornoye highway after consolidating in the latter. West of the Rabotinsky wedge, the Russian Army continues to burn out enemy positions north of Nesteryanka with heavy flamethrower systems.

In the Kherson direction they report that over the past week important islands in the floodplain of the river have been taken under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. Dnieper, however, due to the terrain and the actions of enemy UAVs, their retention is carried out by small groups of our infantry.

08:06 Crews of T-90A tanks of the West group of troops destroyed the control center for drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces -video.

08:00 “Sunshine” of Tula paratroopersburned outpositions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Soledar in the Donbass, the Ministry of Defense reported.

Posted by:badanov
