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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Putin appoints new deputy defense ministers
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Leonid Gornin as the first deputy minister of defense of Russia, Anna Tsivileva and Pavel Fradkov as deputy minister of defense, and Oleg Savelyev as deputy minister of defense and chief of staff of the ministry. This follows from the relevant decrees published onthe legal information website.

In a separate decree, the head of state relieved Ruslan Tsalikov from the post of First Deputy Minister of Defense, Nikolai Pankov, Tatyana Shevtsova and Army General Pavel Popov from the posts of Deputy Minister of Defense, while dismissing Popov from military service.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense informed that Gornin in his new post will be responsible for the entire range of issues related to the financial support of the Russian Armed Forces. Gornin has served as First Deputy Minister of Finance since 2018. At the ministry, he directly supervised the work of the budget policy department in the field of state military and law enforcement services and state defense orders. The Ministry of Defense emphasized that Gornin’s main tasks are to increase the transparency of financial flows and ensure efficient spending of budget funds.

In turn, Fradkov will oversee the management of property, land resources and the construction of facilities for the needs of the ministry and the national economy, the defense department specified. Since January 2021, Fradkov has held the position of first deputy manager of presidential affairs.

Tsivileva will be in charge of issues of social and housing support for the military, taking all related processes to a new level. Since April last year, Tsivileva has held the position of chairman of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation.

As Regnum reported, on May 20, Putin appointed Savelyev as Deputy Minister of Defense - head of the ministry’s staff. Yuriy Sadovenko, who previously held this post, was relieved of his post. Before this, Savelyev was an auditor of the Accounts Chamber. In this department, Savelyev oversaw the audit of defense, national security and law enforcement activities.

On May 14, the president signed a decree appointing Andrei Belousov, who previously held the post of First Deputy Prime Minister, as Minister of Defense. Former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu took over as Secretary of the Security Council.

Belousov, speaking about the priority tasks of the Ministry of Defense, named among them the need to provide modern military equipment to units that are participating in a special military operation.

Belousov is one of the best economists and thanks to this he will be able to coordinate the work of the Ministry of Defense with other departments of the country; his task is to organize the work of the military department with research centers and manufacturers in the defense sector, Putin noted.

Posted by:badanov

#2  Putin has gone through defense ministers faster than Lincoln went through commanders for the Army of the Potomac.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 18:05  

#1  Fradkov is the up and comer
Posted by: Gloluns Turkeyneck4904   2024-06-18 07:07  
