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Switzerland says that the next summit on Ukraine will not be held in Europe
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The next conference on resolving the conflict in Ukraine will not be held in Europe, Gabriel Luchinger, head of the international security department of the Swiss Foreign Ministry and head of the Swiss delegation at the conference in Bürgenstock, said on June 17 on SRF radio.

He sees Saudi Arabia as the most likely venue. Luchinger noted that interested countries must take steps themselves to host the next conference. In addition, Russia should be involved in participation in the new summit in one form or another, he emphasized.
Saudi Arabia? WTF?
“From now on, Switzerland will act behind the scenes at the request of key states,” Lüchinger added.

As Regnum reported, on June 15–16, a conference on Ukraine was held in Bürgenstock. The final document, calling for respect for nuclear, food and humanitarian security, was initially supported by 80 countries out of 93 who attended the summit. In particular, the document was not signed by South Africa, Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, the Vatican, India, Indonesia, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the UAE.

It later became known that Iraq and Jordan were excluded from the list of countries that supported the final communiqué, as they were included there by mistake “due to a coordination problem.”

In addition, the communiqué did not include the clause on the withdrawal of Russian troops, which the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, had previously insisted on.

The effectiveness of the “peace summit” tends to zero, noted the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The Russian Foreign Ministry called the conference on Ukraine held in Bürgenstock a failure. The West and Kiev must understand that there is no alternative to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Russia and Ukraine would have reached an agreement long ago if its army were commanded by those guided by national interests, and not by the interests of their owners, Vladimir Putin said in May. In June, the president named the conditions under which Russia is ready to negotiate an end to the conflict: the Kiev regime must, in particular, abandon plans to join NATO, and also recognize the return of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Russia and withdraw its troops from their territories.

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Russian Foreign Ministry calls the conference in Switzerland on Ukraine a failure

The conference on Ukraine held in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, turned out to be a failure. The West and Kiev must understand thatthere is no alternative to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, according to a commentary by Foreign Ministry official Maria Zakharova published on the Foreign Ministry website.

The diplomat stressed that the Kiev regime and its Western allies must stop misleading the international community by reversing the cause and effect of the Ukrainian crisis. Moreover, the West and Ukraine must understand that there is no reasonable alternative to Russia's peace plan.

“ The sooner they realize this, the sooner the process of real settlement and completion of hostilities will begin. Otherwise, the conditions for starting negotiations will be much worse for them,” Zakharova added.

At the same time, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the failure of the Swiss conference on Ukraine was predictable, since Ukraine and Western countries initially did not intend to search for ways to peacefully resolve the conflict.

“ They are not interested in peace in Ukraine; they need further confrontation, escalation and scaling of hostilities in order to realize the pipe dream of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia,” the diplomat emphasized.

Moreover, according to the representative of the diplomatic service, events like the conference in Bürgenstock are not capable of creating conditions and serving as a platform for a truly serious dialogue on achieving a truly comprehensive, sustainable and just peace.

As Regnum reported, on June 15–16, a conference on Ukraine was held in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, to which Russia was not invited. The final document calls for respect for nuclear, food and humanitarian security. At the same time, the communiqué did not include the clause on the withdrawal of Russian troops, which the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, had previously insisted on.

In addition, representatives of 15 countries who participated in the conference refused to sign the final document. The effectiveness of the “peace summit” tends to zero, noted the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

On June 17, Assistant to the Head of State Yuri Ushakov said that President Putin’s proposals to resolve the conflict in Ukraine crossed out the results of the so-called peace conference in Switzerland.

Participants in the event, whether they wanted it or not, were forced to take into account the proposals put forward by Putin the day before, Ushakov said. The Swiss conference made no contribution to promoting a genuine settlement of the conflict, the aide stressed. Even Western leaders noted during the summit that it was impossible to resolve the conflict without Russia’s participation, he added.

Russia and Ukraine would have reached an agreement long ago if its army were commanded by those guided by national interests, and not by the interests of their owners, Vladimir Putin said in May. In June, the president named the conditions under which Russia is ready to negotiate an end to the conflict: the Kiev regime must, in particular, abandon plans to join NATO, and also recognize the return of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Russia and withdraw its troops from their territories

Posted by:badanov

#3  Sounds like Switzerland does not want its brand associated with the failure of the talks.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-18 09:50  

#2  Give a communist regime a shot at hosting. I recommend the Victoria & Alfred hotel (V&A) at Cape Harbor. Occupancy is down and there's plenty of eateries nearby.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 09:43  

#1  I nominate Botswanaland. They all deserve it.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-18 08:39  
