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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know
[The] Americans age 60 and older lost more than US$3 billion to scammers in 2023, according to the FBI.

To put that whopping figure in context, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour recently made news as the first concert tour ever to earn $1 billion.

As a geriatrician — a doctor who cares for people over 65 years of age — I believe elder fraud has reached an epidemic scale. My patients often tell me about being scammed.

The consequences can be worse than just losing money. The experience is traumatic for many, with some victims feeling deep shame and self-doubt in the aftermath. This can interfere with their relationships, erode their trust in others and harm their mental and physical health.
Posted by:Besoeker

#6  All my relatives are dead.
They'll be calling, collect, from Hell.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 19:14  

#5  Some relatives won't answer my phone calls because they know I'm calling them.
Posted by: Elmaper+McGurque1612   2024-06-18 18:52  

#4  The generation(s) of Americans raised and experienced in the 20th American Century way of life, are often ill-prepared to deal with the modern era that has corrupted and collapsed what were safe and reliable choices and venues. Assume corruption and dishonesty in every financial outreach or urgent appeal that you cannot confirm from a trusted source, and you may miss some opportunities, but will avoid serious mistakes. The daily telephone barrage of foreign voices representing "medicare"windfalls, or credit solutions, or opinion surveys is a perfect example. Like most, we don't answer the telephone unless we know the number.

And with the Bidet invasion of millions of un-vetted, military age males, the coming attraction is going to be South American style organized, planned, strong-arm burglary and home invasion crews working high-end zip-code areas with little apparent defensible space after skilled recon drive-throughs. An emerging plague on Blue urban area business and residential locations, and likely interesting surprises unfolding in Red rural locations when they meet the Unorganized Militia Senior Division.
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-18 13:40  

#3  I think I see a correlation.

Experts warn of surge in seniors hooked on weed… as new figures show twice as many people over 65 seek help in states where it's legal
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 13:24  

Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 10:21  

#1  Heartbreaking video footage shows the moment an elderly woman is tricked into depositing thousands of dollars into a Bitcoin ATM - just before police swoop in to help her.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 10:16  
