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Pizza Hut abruptly shutters 15 restaurants - with 129 more at risk - after huge bust-up with major franchisee
Posted by:Skidmark

#6  Taco Bell. Good movie.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike   2024-06-18 19:26  

#5  Looks like the won't survive the franchise wars after all (Demolition Man).
Posted by: European Conservative   2024-06-18 18:53  

#4  Haven't been to a Pizza Hut this century. (Sounds cool.) The "if you pay extra, we'll use good tomato sauce" was basically over for me.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-18 18:38  

#3  Walmart quietly shutters another three stores as the total closures for 2024 hits 11
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 13:19  

#2  We have a Pizza Hut here in Quincy; we'll see if this one's on the chopping block or not.
Posted by: Raj   2024-06-18 10:35  

We quit going to Pizza Hut back in 2022.
Because they jacked the prices up, dropped the amount and quality of the ingredients used, and eliminated the lunch Buffet.

We now use CICI's buffet.
It has been a good alternative.
2 people with drinks,
Salad Bar,
the ability to custom order as part of the price,
plus Dessert style items.

For around $25 for 2 adults.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-18 09:49  
