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Home Front: Politix
Judge halts Iowa attempt to take action against illegal immigrants
Posted by:Skidmark

#7  Actual quote: "It's not be youse they're really after, it's be Moi monself!!!!". Maybe. Perhaps. Probably not.
Posted by: Canuckisran sniper   2024-06-18 16:01  

#6  "It's not be they're really after, it's
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 14:09  

#5  Trump is the most obvious Law-fare victim, but the packing of the Judiciary over the past decades represents a form of class-action law-fare against traditional Americans.
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-18 13:44  

#4  Aren't they all.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 12:28  

#3  This is a temporary block.
Posted by: Jineng Clusong2496   2024-06-18 10:20  

#2  ...long overdue Constitutional convention. Don't worry, any amendments still have to go back to the states for 3/4th ratification. The Left doesn't have the votes.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 10:17  

#1  The next level question the judge should be asking is, "given that the Fed Gov't has the constitutional duty to protect the various states from invasion and fails to do so, what legal recourse do the states have?"
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-18 09:31  
