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Home Front: Politix
Ex-Bernie Sanders Staffer Says Biden Must Cut ‘Some Checks' To Sway Black Voters In Swing State
[Daily Caller] Former President Donald Trump is presently leading Biden in Michigan in a five-way race by .3%, according to the RealClearPolling average. Figaro on "The Story With Martha MacCallum" said Biden’s "only" chance of winning the state is distributing money he owes to black voters.

"Obviously I won’t speak for all black voters, Martha, but I can certainly tell you by being the only black national staffer in Michigan in 2015 working for Bernie Sanders, it does not take a lot of voters to like former President Trump. It really only takes 1 or 2%," Figaro told host Martha MacCallum. "We were able to flip that state by 2% going to all the places that Hillary Clinton refused to go ... What I do know is someone better get to the state of Michigan with a checkbook in hand with no IOUs."

"This is critical that these swing states are looked at," she added. "And they don’t have to like President Trump like the poll indicates. They didn’t like Bernie Sanders, to be quite honest with you, but it only takes a small margin to make a difference. And that’s what I’m concerned about and that is what the majority of people who are saying, ’I don’t like Trump, I don’t like Biden either,’ but they cannot afford to ignore this crucial demographic."

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said on Monday that Trump is "careening towards a historic performance" with black voters as Biden bleeds a significant segment of them.

"The Joe Biden administration cannot afford to sit on their butt and just ignore and think that it’s just a game and not invest the time, money, resources in black media, not invest the time, money and support in those nonprofits. They need to go in Michigan right now with a check," Figaro said, before MacCallum interrupted her to ask if it would actually help Biden to make black media appearances.
Posted by:Besoeker

#2  It looks as if the Midwest is coming (back) to its senses. Let's hope it lasts.
Posted by: Tom   2024-06-18 11:52  

#1  Joe cannot afford to lose one Midwestern swing state. He appears to be losing all of them.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-18 09:02  
