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-Lurid Crime Tales-
High-profile lawyer ditches accused rapist real-estate heirs Oren and Alon Alexander after more allegations surface
[NYPOST] A prominent south Florida lawyer abruptly withdrew Monday from repping twin accused rapists and real-estate heirs Oren and Alon Alexander.
"Youse guys are toast! I'm outta here!"
A well-placed source told The Post that lawyer Jim Ferraro’s decision to step down from the troubling Manhattan case was made at least partly because of his personal ties to the 36-year-old millionaire brothers — not to mention the avalanche of additional accusations that poured in after two women sued the twins over alleged sexual attacks.
Can anyone figure why so many guys need a partner while raping a woman?
The brothers’ new lawyer is Isabelle Kirshner of Clayman Rosenberg Kirshner & Linder of Manhattan.
"Lemme show youse guys how it's done!"
Posted by:Fred

#4  This is not an area I know much about.

Prayers of Thanksgiving for that.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 19:16  

#3  why so many guys need a partner

Somebody's gotta hold the camera.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 12:42  

#2  ...Manhattan case

Better odds of getting a innocent verdict in the Jonesboro Boy's case. Ask the Donald.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 07:51  

#1  What odds the lads didn’t do it, or that it wasn’t rape? This is not an area I know much about.
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-18 00:47  
