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Vandals desecrate a Holocaust memorial in southern Lithuania
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Vandals desecrated a memorial to Holocaust victims in the village of Senoji-Varena in southern Lithuania, RT channel reported on June 17.
So many possibilities: Jew-haters of the far left (Antifa/Black Bloc), of the nationalist far right, jihadis, or troublemaking teens just having destructive fun.. .
The information board on the monument was broken, and the obelisk itself was damaged. In addition, an inscription was pasted onto the monument, “prohibiting” placing stones on it, as is customary in the Jewish tradition.

The Lithuanian police began an investigation, the head of the Varensky district of the republic, Algis Kasheta, told reporters.

“This is a well-thought-out and prepared illegal act, an act of vandalism,” Kasheta said.

As Regnum reported, in January 2024, at a street exhibition in Leipzig, Germany, portraits of Holocaust victims were drawn with permanent markers. Law enforcement officials opened a criminal case under articles of inciting ethnic hatred and damaging property.

In May 2023, on Victory Day, vandals desecrated a Soviet military burial ground in Austria. They damaged the bas-relief on the monument. The Russian Embassy informed that a note of protest would be sent to the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

Also in May 2023, a memorial cemetery for Soviet soldiers was desecrated in Warsaw. Offensive inscriptions were painted on the pedestal of the monument in black paint, and the passage to the memorial was covered with crosses and Ukrainian flags.

Posted by:badanov

#2  You loot Rome in the 400s and no lets you forget it.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 18:00  

#1  The Baltics: Very nice, very EUropean people - as long as money will last.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-18 00:26  
