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Kaja Kallas, the Estonian PM in the running for EU foreign policy chief
[TVP] Kaja Kallas, the Estonian prime minister, is in line to become the EU’s foreign policy chief, an appointment that, if approved, could propel one of Ukraine's most ardent supporters to one of the world’s leading diplomatic posts.

EU leaders met on Monday for an informal summit at which they are expected to assign the top posts at the European Commission.

Kallas could take over from the bloc’s current high representative for foreign and security policy, Josep Borrell, whose term in office is ending. She would be the first politician from the Baltic states to assume high office in the Commission, the EU’s executive.

Known for her resolute stance on Russian aggression and her advocacy for Ukraine, she has emerged as a leading candidate, supported by key figures such as Emmanuel Macron, the French president.
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Posted by:DooDahMan

#2  Thandi Palane, the Great Kaja.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike   2024-06-17 19:15  

#1  You just knew they were grooming her for something on the EU or NATO stage.

So, evidently her "job interview" with Bilderberg went well.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-17 13:19  
