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Olde Tyme Religion
Cori Bush claimed her faith healing helped a sick toddler walk, healed woman's tumors
Posted by:Skidmark

#3  If a Republican said this the media would be unanimously smirking, pointing and saying "Look at the Christer crackpot!"
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-17 18:32  

#2  Supernatural faith is not something that I associate with the squad. God resides in all folks invite Him in, but you have to provide a suitable dwelling place. A heart full of Marxist hate is not going to work as God’s tabernacle.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-17 18:20  

#1  Not the Bee?

Down another $.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-17 16:48  
